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"You little bitch!"

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"You little bitch!"

"You're the bitch here, I'm going to seriously kill you!"

"Guys calm down!"

"Oh shit help me Owen!"

Owen and Elijah are trying to stop Aisha from punching Liam as Nala is eating chips and Rico is looking at a wall.

A wall that has a hole in it. A big fucking hole.

There's smoke everywhere and guards running around.

"Oh Silas and Camila! Welcome home." Nala smiles. "Come here, I will explain the drama."

Camila walks first, mouth wide open and I walk right behind her.

"What the hell happened?" I ask.

"So, funny story, Aisha and me were eating and the others were playing Uno." Nala takes a break to laugh. "Then Liam loses and throws a big tantrum and long story short he accidentally threw a bomb at the wall, it was a little one so the whole house didn't get destroyed."

Camila looks flabbergasted and I look at Rico again.

He's not even moving, just looking at the now exploded wall.

Liam is crying as his face is now covered in blood and Aisha is yelling at Elijah and Owen to let her go.

"Liam." Camila says quietly as she starts walking towards him. I stay behind, too tired to fix this mess.

"Yeah?" He sniffles.

Is he a child? Last time I checked he was a grown man.

"I..um..you..whatever, let's go clean your face." Camila sighs and helps Liam to the closest seat away from Aisha.

"I'm..yeah." I say and walk to my room.

It's never peaceful in this house. If it's not Liam doing stupid immature shit, it's Nala arguing with Rico or Aisha stealing Liam's snacks.

"Thank you, beauty." I hear Liam's faint voice outside my room.

Did he just call Camila beauty? My Camila?

"Just go and stay out of trouble, Liam, for the sake of all of us." Camila's voice sound exhausted.

"It really was an accident."

"I know," Camila whispers and then there's a couple seconds of silence. "Remember to keep those cuts clean."

A door shuts next to mine, letting me know that Camila is now inside her room.

I change into a loose shirt and sweatpants and lay on my bed, staring at the boring ceiling. My brain is battling over two options. Stay here or go to Camila's room like a creep that's obsessed.

I am obsessed.

Her smile, her eyes, her body, her voice, her scent, her hair and the way she blushes whenever I'm close.

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