Chapter 48

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He Chen moved the stone from Fu Pingchun, but in the end it hit his own foot.

Although his father He Shichang was not imprisoned by Fu Pingchun this time, Fu Pingchun controlled a lot of shady industries. After Baichuntang was taken away by the gang, Chenyuan Group's annual financial statements this year may not be too good. .

After the Fu Pingchun incident, Chi Xu's junior high school life finally returned to peace, and no one came to trouble him anymore.

Time flies by, and it's almost two months since school started. Chi Xu and the others are about to face the first major exam in junior high school, the midterm exam.

The midterm exam is not only related to the selection of study committee members, but also more importantly, the qualifications to represent the class in the campus "Smart Stars" knowledge competition.

Therefore, the students in the class began to review diligently. They no longer laughed and played in their spare time. Instead, they took the textbooks to every corner of the school to endorse.

Huo Lingyu had not worked very hard throughout elementary school. Infected by the atmosphere of hard work among his classmates, he also worked hard to memorize political history for two days, but it seemed that he memorized it too early. He forgot everything two days before the exam, and finally decided to I decisively gave up on liberal arts and switched to mathematics.

There will be five additional questions in the math test at Luojin Middle School, and all of them are competition questions.

The difficulty of these five questions increases in order, in order to widen the score difference between students and screen out the contestants.

Many students in the class have studied Mathematical Olympiads since elementary school and have participated in many Mathematical Olympiad competitions. Su Chengbai is one of the best and has received very good rankings.

What makes Huo Lingyu more puzzled is that Pei Jinxiu has never signed up to participate in a domestic primary school mathematics competition even after six years of studying for the Olympiad.

Huo Lingyu once asked Pei Jinxiu the reason, but Pei Jinxiu gave a very simple and casual reason: he didn't want to go.

There are people in the class who have not studied the Mathematical Olympiad who are making a temporary attack, such as the teacher's eldest daughter, Huo Lingyu has completely given up, he may not even be able to solve the previous basic questions.

After two weeks of chaos, I finally got through the midterm exam.

There are many subjects in junior high school. They have to take exams for two days in total. The exam rooms are randomly divided. The exam rooms for the five of them are different, but they are all on the fifth floor.

Everyone arrived at their original classroom first, and then went to the examination room together when the time was almost up.

On the morning of the first day, there were history and Chinese language exams. There were still ten minutes left before the exam. Huo Lingyu was still mumbling words and was rushing to endorse. When he passed by the Confucius sculpture in the center of the campus square, he bowed in a superstitious manner.

Chi Xu and Pei Jinxiu beside him only brought transparent folders containing gel pens, 2B pencils and erasers. With the old god there, they were relaxed and didn't feel like they were going for an exam at all.

Huo Lingyu couldn't help but ask: "Have you both finished your review?"

Chi Xu was honest and said truthfully: "Neither of us has reviewed."

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