Chapter 19

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Antonio's pov

Before I go into the office I made a call to my personal investigator to look into my mother and search for her and inform me when he gets all information, I ended the call walking into my office with my babygirl looking at my with a questioning look, not knowing what's going on. Babygirl I don't know how to say this but your mother is not real mother this woman right here is an assassin I said. She was in complete shock.

What the fuck do you mean she an assassin and not my real mother and her name is not Dianna jones that's your real mothers this women's name is Tina Gates She killed a lot of people, she lied about being a nurse. She been getting money from assignments she was hired for so that's why she was away for some weeks but Rick did kidnapped her because he really was attracted to her and he did force himself on her and then he found out about her and blackmailed her to say with him.

She kidnapped you when you were 10 years old because she was jealous of your real mother, couldn't stand her being happy and in love with your real father his name is Elijah jones he is the leader of the viper kill mafia she was in love with your father but couldn't have him, she wanted your mother to suffer from losing you because your mother was so happy and she wasn't, the man you seen when you were little wasn't you real dad he was someone Tina met and started to like so she tried to make him into a father figure to you but after 3 years he didn't want to be with her anymore and she did not like that so she killed him. You don't remember anything because she gave you something really strong to make you forgetting everything and you were young so it was easy for her to trick you.

Your parents been looking for you for years but they couldn't find you because Tina made sure to not leave any trace but I got in contacted with them and they would like to see you when your are ready. After I finished Briana looked enraged, heartbroken and completely shocked.

Briana pov

I'm so fucking enraged right now I have a lot of emotions built up and I feel like killing this woman in front of me. Antonio can you do something for me I said in a deep angry voice. Yes babygirl anything, take her to the warehouse and lock her up until I feel like killing her or talk to her, he nod and called his men into the office to take this women I thought I knew. I didn't feel like seeing anyone right now so I walked out the office and went to Antonios room. When I got to the room I broke down crying in so much pain, my whole life was a lie and I don't know my real parents, how could I forget them, I fell to the ground and started breathing hard feeling like I couldn't breathe. Antonio came in the room and saw me on the ground crying my heart out he quickly came to me to calm me down.

Hey babygirl just look at me and match my breathing it's okay I got you he said holding me in a few minutes my breathing was normal but I was still crying my eyes out and Antonio was whispering sweet things in my ears until I fell asleep in his warm and safe arms.

Raven pov

I'm in disbelief, how could that woman do such a thing I wanted to go check on bri but Antonio handled it, I was with Ben in his room worried about bri he comforted me. Briana will be okay with Antonio, you will see her later don't worry she just needs time he said assuring me now let's go get something to eat we haven't ate anything since we came back. What would you like to eat and I'll order it for everybody, how about chicken tinders and fries and get ice cream for me and Briana, I went to the kitchen to get some water.

Antonio came down not too long ago saying Briana is resting, I told him Ben just order food for us. How is bri I asked, she is hurting by the betrayal and lies from Tina but we will be there for her and when she wake up and I will ask her if she wants to see her real parents, they really want to see her he said, you should call them to come next week I said, I this she need this and I know that she might feel stupid that she forgot her real parents when it's not her fault but still she will need a lot of support. The food just got here Ben and I went up to his room with some of the food and cuddled and watched shows while eating, I hope bri will be okay I can't stop thinking about my sis. Ben kissed me when I was still in my head, she will be okay my love you he said let's finish eating and then sleep.

Antonio pov

When I saw my babygirl so broken and hurt I wanted to kill Tina right but I had to think of my baby first, she just had a anxiety attack she's resting right now but she hasn't eaten anything yet I'll let her rest for a lot while before wake her up to eat. After talking to Raven about Briana's parents I think she need to see them so I called them to come next week and I found out she also has two older siblings named John and Kayla they will be coming too. I don't want her to be frustrated or hard on her self so she will see the when they get here.

The food just got here, ben and Raven went up to the room to eat and I took some up to babygirl, she was sleeping peacefully I didn't want to wake her but she has to eat. I softly wake her up with kisses, babygirl come on get up you have to eat I got food here for you. She woke up but was still upset, I gave her the food and orange juice I poured for her, tonio can I see my real parents she suddenly said in a low soft voice, of course you can babygirl they will be here next week and is that my nick name now I like it I said smile softly at her. Babygirl I want you to know that your not stupid you were young so don't blame yourself, I know it's just wish I would have know she said and now you will be with them again and they will have you back but you will still and always be mines babygirl, now let finish eating and go to bed.

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