chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Killian glanced around. He had quickly finished his paperwork, and he didn't know how to occupy himself further. He figured it would've taken more time, but he was wrong. He didn't want Tony to disturb Atticus, he was sleeping quite peacefully. Killian decided he would take a walk across the castle; it had been a few weeks since he had done that. He jotted down a quick note for Atticus, "rest we'll, I am going for a walk, wait here for me?" It read. It was simple and short, not meant to worry Atticus.
Killian walked towards the door and opened it, leaving quietly as he shut the door, locking it.
"I wonder where I should go..." it had been a while, killian had forgotten his usual path. He decided to go to the hall of paintings. He didn't want Atticus to see that yet, to know what he had done. What he couldn't undo. Killian had made it to the halls, his pace sped up as he continued to think, getting lost in his thoughts. He looked around at the painting, the pictures of him, and a man identical, apart from the bright purple eyes, Killian's eyes were a brown color. Killian growled at the feeling, he hated his looks, he hated how similar they were. Besides the man, was a beautiful woman, with dark black hair, blue streaking through her it, her brown eyes glaring back at him. Killian sighed, he saw the portrait next to the man and woman, there were two young boys, happy and smiling. Killian glared at those too. He saw himself...and...well it doesn't matter now, the other boy is gone. His brother is gone, so he decides to not think much about it, anything to avoid the past.
Killian walked further and further, people were painted everywhere, some looked like killian, other looked like completely different people, many of the paintings showed victories in war. Killian stared at them, he wondered why he came here. He knew that the paintings made him mad, so why does he always feel the need to be around it! He had already decided to let it go, but he just couldn't. He hissed when he heard footsteps.
"Who is here?" He growled, his demon form appearing, his wings fluttered.
"Killian? Hey...its just me, Atticus." Atticus stepped out of the shadows timidly.
"I see. I thought I asked that you stayed in the room." Killian shifted his weight aggressively.
"Killian... hey I'm sorry...i'- i didn't realize this would bother you." Atticus stepped back fearfully.
"Atticus? Stop that. Dont.. dont start thinking like that. I am not going to hurt you. You... you dont think i would hurt you, right?" killian asked, his voice cracking.
"No...I just...I'm sorry." Atticus looked away.
"Stop apologizing!" Killian raised his voice slightly. "the only reason I'm frustrated is... you see...its hard to talk about this, okay. This is the hall of painting, i just... please don't come in here. I'm not ready, i- i..." killian trailed off,breathing heavy. He looked at Atticus and backed away,
"No, no! Killian, dont go. Its fine!" Atticus pleaded, but killian was already fleeing the scene.
"Killian, hey!" Atticus chased after him. The two ran, Atticus always a few steps behind, they ran up to their room, Atticus followed killian in, watching killian dart into the bathroom. Atticus went to open it, but all he felt happen was the lock jiggling.
"Killian...?" Atticus tried. "It's okay to talk to me, y'know?" Atticus said softly. He heard soft panting on the other side. Atticus pushed his back against the door, sliding down.
"I'm sorry killian. I don't know what set you off but...I'm sorry." Atticus huffed. "I wont go down there, not without your permission. I promise." Atticus pledged. He heard the lock click, once, twice, then trice, it was open now.
"Are you.... saying. I can come in, killian?" Atticus asked meekly.
"Hmm." Killian grunted.
Atticus pushed open the door slightly, he saw the eyeliner on Killian's face dripping down from the soft tears that fell, his breathing slowing.
"Killian, love..." Atticus felt himself tear up, worrying for killian.
"Atticus, just hold me." Killian growled, his tail flicking. Atticus chuckled and leaned into killian, hugging him. Killian hugged him tight.
"I must be stressed. Atticus. I ran away because of you, not because I was not mad, I was not angry, I was scared. I thought I would hurt you. You see.... the hall of paintings is very important to hold a lot that is dear to me, it holds a lot of my past. I will show it to you, but that day, is not today. Someday, but not today." Killian repeated.
"that's okay killian, I'm not mad, I want to know you, but I want to know you on your own time, with your own permission." Atticus smiled, his teeth shining.
"Thank you, Atticus, thank you." Killian smiled gratefully.
The two sat there for a while, bathing in each other warmth, enjoying each other, but it wasn't long before they were called down, the outsider had arrived.
Atticus and Killian bounded across the halls, running through the giant pillars to get to the front of the castle. The doors were pushed open and Atticus walked up behind Killian hesitantly. He looked out at the man standing in front of them. He stood beautiful and proud...and sick. The man looked up and grinned happily.
"Atticus...!" he looked hopeful.
"you know me?" Atticus spoke up, he was about to say more until he made eye contact with the foreigner. Atticus gasped and collapsed, knees bulging. Killian caught him fast, not wasting a moment, holding Atticus up and shaking him slightly.
"hey, Atticus!" Killian growled.
"Killian... I know him...I's Conner." Atticus's body slumped into killian's. Killian turned to glare at the man.
"Is what he said true?" Killian demanded an answer.
"yes. I, am Conner." He bowed, shivering. Killian nodded, throwing his head back and signaling for Conner to follow. The angel had beautiful wings, they were large and grand. He wore a black and white suit, flowy cloth draping over it.
"If I may ask, lord Killian, why did Atticus faint?" Conner glanced away, before bringing his face up to maintain eye contact with Killian.
"He has amnesia. He only remembers bits and pieces of his past. You are one of the lucky ones, he remembers you, slightly at least. I'm sure he saw flashes of past memory's, past everything really. I won't know until he is well enough to talk with me." Killian explained, walking into the living room.
"sit, please." Killian raised his eyebrows, waiting for Conner to comply. "what would you prefer? Alcohol or a standard beverage?" Killian asked.
"a nice cup of whiskey sounds lovely right now, I have had long journey." Conner said.
"hmm. Do tell." Killian asked
"Where do I start really. I have been all over the below searching for Atticus, wanting to make sure he was okay. Every time I got close to finding him, he would disappear." Conner explained. "I fought many beasts, big and small. I gained enemy's and allies, you know, the normal adventurer thing, your majesty." Conner spoke modestly.
"I see." Killian set the two glasses down, cradling Atticus in his arms." Atticus shifted and groaned in killian's arms
"Killian?" Atticus asked drowsily.
"hush, Atti. Your tired, go back to sleep, you will have time to talk with Conner later, eh?" Killian smirked.
"That wasn't a dream?" Atticus shouted.
"No?" Conner butted in. Atticus whipped his head around.
"c-Conner..." Atticus sat in astonishment. "its really you." Atticus whispered.
"Yes, it is." He chuckled.
"I remember you, slightly. I know you were my friend before I fell...and that I cared for you a lot." Atticus muttered. "that's all though." Atticus glanced away guiltily.
"I don't blame you for having amnesia. It's not your fault." Conner offered.
"I know." Atticus sighed. He looked over at Conner, taking in the pretty boy, the pale skin, freckles, blonde hair...he was beautiful. Atticus watched as he downed the glass of whiskey in one gulp, no reactions.
"That was awfully fast of you angel." Killian narrowed his eyes.
"I'm aware, it's a habit I am trying to get out of, you see. After Atticus fell....I wasn't me anymore. Me and him were a team, we were partners, but after he left it was just me.".
That doesn't explain why you, an angel, started drinking though." Atticus pitched in.
"Well," Conner chuckled bitterly. "the vodka was easier to swallow, then the idea that you were never coming back." He sighed. "that's why I'm here. I had to make sure you were okay. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt and I want there to help you, If I left you to fend for yourself, all on your own." Conner smiled, tears brimming in his eyes.
"oh...Conner...i-I thank you." Atticus said awkwardly. He felt bad for Conner, he had been through a lot for Atticus, yet he couldn't remember anything important about the man.
"I just...I feel bad, y'know? I don't know anything about you." Atticus pinched his face up.
"then let me ask something. If Killian agrees, let me stay here, let me...get to know you. Let us get to know each other once again." Conner smiled. Atticus looked at Killian, a questioning look on his face.
"killian?" Atticus asked.
"it is up to you we can have a room arranged for him if you would like." Killian smiled.
"then yes, I would love to get to know you Conner." Atticus grinned.
"As would I. Thank you Killian, you are much different than before, in fact, did you change your eye color?" Conner asked.
"I am king Killian the second, my father is long gone." Killian frowned.
"Oh. I see. I remember you when you were a kid, you ran around with your brother, causing mischief all over the palace." Conner laughed.
"hmm. Yes." Killian said.
"what happened to them?" Conner asked.
"Them?" Killian raised an eyebrow.
"your parents? Your brother?" Conner prodded.
"gone." Killian said tensely.
"how, though?" Conner asked.
"Enough! I don't want to talk about it. All you need to know is that my father and brother are gone, and my mother has passed. That's it. I'm the new king, that is all that matters. It will do out well to stop questioning me." Killian grimaced. "I apologize for my outburst, but I do not think you have a right to such knowledge." Killian stood up to walk away.
"killian?" Atticus asked softly.
"Yes, Atti?" he huffed.
"do you need to talk?" he asked.
"not now, talk with Conner, later, in our room, then we will talk, if I still want too " Killian said tersely. He turned around to Atticus, walking forward slightly. Pulling Atticus's chin up, he brought their lips together, a soft peck, it was affectionate, letting Atticus know that killian was not mad with him. Killian made sure to make eye contact with Conner, however. The angel needed to know that even if he knew Atticus before, Atticus was his right now. The angel was not allowed t make moves on Atticus until Atticus mentioned any interest to Killian. Killian knew Atticus was bad about boundary's and would let just about anything happen if it appeased the other party.
"I love you, Atti." Killian turned and left, leaving the two to chat.

Word count: 1940

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