Chapter Three

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KAYLA HAD LEFT AMAYAH SOME upset messages and voicemails about never going out with Max after the race a couple days ago. But she could care less. All that was on her mind was preparing for her first competition back, that was set on Wednesday...which is tomorrow.

"So your telling me he asked if we were fucking?!" Diego asks, laughing so loud that Amayah could hear it from all the way over on the other side of the ice rink. "What a lovely boyfriend you got there."

Amayah couldn't help herself but tell Diego what was going on. He knew her hate for Max, so there was no point in lying to someone who would've figured it out right away.

"He was asking a lot of questions for someone who was recorded pushing one of his engineers after a race." she adds, stopping right in front of Diego so she could take a break. "I searched the video up...I've never seen him like that before."

"Like what?"

"So angry."

Diego rested his arms against the siding of the rink. "You do realize whatever kind of relationship you had with him two years ago...only lasted a couple months. People hid a lot in that short period of time."

He was right. It didn't matter how much either of them thought they knew each other...those months were not enough to actually understand the other.

"You're right. But I need this. Or I'll never get away from Braxton."

"Are you going to tell Max what happen?"

Amayah laughed, "you think I'm going to tell some four month fling I had three years ago what happen to me? I don't even want to tell Charles."

"Don't you think he'll question how badly you want out of that contract? What if he sees your scars or—"

"He's my fake boyfriend. Not a real one. He has no right to ask me those kind of questions. Now can we get back to practicing?" she asks, pushing of the wall to began skating again.

Her knee has been killing her since they had started practice about two hours ago, and Diego was catching on to that.

Her jumps her lower, speed was slower...everything just looked different.

And it was true. Jumps had seemed to be harder to land for Amayah lately, and it wasn't just because of her pain. She's lost about 15 pounds over the past three months and was struggling to even keep herself up at times. The relationship she had with food hasn't been easy for a while now. Braxton always forced her on strict diets, that basically starved her body of nutrients, and Amayah is still reaping the consequences.

"Mae. How about we end practice for today? Don't exhaust yourself too much—" Diego tried to say, but Amayah was too hot headed to ever listen about ending early. She continued to practice the routine, but the pain also continued to get worse. "Get off the ice before you re-injury your leg!" he shouted as she got farther away.

There was nothing he could do. Dragging her of the ice would only result in more problems, so Diego just shook his head in disappointment.

Twenty minutes later, Amayah finally stepped off the ice.

Diego glared over at the brunette, now making her way over to the bench to pack up.

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