Chapter Six

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FEAR IS SEEN AS A weakness in the racing world. The moment you begin to fear for you life is the moment you should give up racing. Everyone who has entered this world knows the risk and decides everyday to continue to take that risk. And everyone knows if you can't handle that, don't race.

Amayah never believed in that. Racing was a death sentence waiting to happen. Such high speeds, sharp turns, and so much pressure put on the's insane. And to Amayah, if you didn't fear for you life the second you stepped into the cockpit, then there's something mentally wrong with you.

Sure. Amayah has watched racing since she was twelve years old. Whether it was F1, F2, F3 or karting. She even participated in karting when she was younger, and there was no denying it, she loved it. But that didn't take away the fear of losing someone on these stupid tracks. That was what she feared the most and nothing would ever change that.

But yesterday...Amayah realized something else.

Her lies were hurting people...just like Jasmine hinted at during their lunch the other day.

"Maya." Charles smiled, sitting down next to his sister. He had just gotten done with some warmup exercises before the practice laps. "I'm so happy you finally agreed to come to the race."

"Me too. It's good to finally be back." she smiled, but the words that had just left her mouth... complete lies. She hated that she was back, and was more scared then anything right now.

"Charles. It's time, let's go," his engineer yelled over, giving a small wave to Amayah before leaving to the car.

Today was practice and also qualifying, since tomorrow will be a Sprint Race.

Practice was normally pretty laidback. Everyone was preparing themselves for qualifying, and getting use to the track, nothing fancy or entertaining to say the least.

As everyone began wrapping up practice, Amayah made her way to the McLaren area, looking for Lando. With her luck, she was spotted by a couple reporters, who instantly began to make their way over to her. There was no getting away from them this time...not if Amayah wants to help her reputation...that has fallen tremendously over the past couple weeks.

Many fans found that celebrities who run from reporters always seem to be hiding something, so she's learned to just smile and nod, then politely say you need to leave a couple minutes later.

"Amayah Alvarez. May I ask you a couple questions?" a guy asked, practically shoving his mic in her face.

Amayah flashed the biggest fake smile she had, "of course!" she says.

"So, Amayah. It's been a known fact for years that you haven't gone to any races since Charles' accident. What brings you back?"

She could remember that day like it was yesterday. The day she thought she had lost another family member. "Oh you know, I was in the area for a meeting and decided I should come and support him and some of my friends." Amayah explained, lying about the meeting part. The meeting was just a hang out with her best friend for lunch... "Racing has always held a special place in my heart, and I guess it was finally time to be back."

"Now, Amayah. We've heard the rumors that the there's a chance you won't make the national team this season. Has that upset you at all?" the reporter asked, once again, shoving the mic in her face.

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