Chapter Ten

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AMAYAH'S EYES SLOWLY OPENED AS as the sun began to shine through the windows. She could hear Max shuffling around in the bathroom, she then saw him walking back into the room where their two beds were. He already had everything packed, all ready to go on top of his bed.

They didn't speak a word to each other after Max abruptly got out of the ice bath last night.

"It's a shame, you know?....A shame we're not the same people anymore...because I think we were pretty damn good together. But that's history right?"

Those words repeated in her head as she watched Max from her bed.

She would've stayed in bed all day if she could, but the sound of her phone ringing made her finally get up. Amayah sat up, reaching for her phone, not even glancing at the number before answering it. "Hello?" she said softly, trying to keep herself from yawning. Max continued to go back and forth from the bathroom to the bedroom, putting Amayah's things in her suit case, which she didn't even bother to fight about. One less thing she had to deal with.

"I know what you're doing, Amayah." a low, stern voice said into the phone.

Her body went numb, recognizing the voice almost immediately.

Amayah got up from the bed, walking towards the window away from max. "You can't be calling me, Braxton." She spoke in the phone.

"I don't give a fuck." he was now raising his voice. "Now you need to stop your stupid little games."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know that you dating Max Verstappen is all a PR stunt. And I'll leak that if you don't stop winning your competitions."

Amayah scoffed. "What does that have to do with you, Braxton?" She asked, glancing behind her to meet eyes with Max. He stood in the middle of the small room, watching her very carefully.

"You winning is sending bad publicity my way, saying I'm a shit coach and you never needed me—"

"You were a shit coach." Amayah snapped. "Now don't ever call me again." she raised her voice, immediately hanging up the man.

Her heart was racing. Amayah never wanted to hear her old coaches voice again, nor see his face. It was too painful, and now she had...

Everything came flashing back to her.

She would've had a panic attack if it wasn't for Max distracting her. His hand gently touched her shouldered, making her turn quicker then ever before. He glared down at her shaking hands, "Alvarez?"

"We should get going." she gave him a fake smile, rushing over to the closet to pack all her clothes. "Thanks for getting all my stuff from the bathroom," Amayah said shoving the clothes into the suit case.

The silence in the room felt like it was going to strangle her. She could feel Max watching her and her shaking hands....

Memories flooded her mind.


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