Chapter Fifteen

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AMAYAH LEFT THE FOOTBALL STADIUM three nights ago. She headed straight to Spain, got her stitches removed and was fully cleared by her doctor. Immediately after, Amayah headed home to Monaco.

Jasmine and Amayah spent that night out, drinking, having fun, messing around and feeling free from all the weight on their shoulders.

For the first time in five months, Amayah head was finally clear.

Three months in a hospital and two months with Max Verstappen could've ruined her, but it didn't.


That's what Amayah thought until she received a text message from Kayla on her second night home.

"Three nights, Max. Only three fucking nights I got in my own bed..." Amayah huffed out the moment Max opened the door to the cabin Kayla rented for them. Max had gotten there about two hours before amayah.

Kayla sent them to some random mountain range resort in the United States. Her and Carter agreed it would look good from Amayah and Max to be seen during his summer break.

A small grin grew on Max's face. "Hi there, sweetheart. Great to see you too." he joked, moving out of the way to let her in. The wind practically pushed Amayah in because how hard it was blowing. "This surely is how I wanted to spend my summer the snowy mountains with your lovely warmth presence."

Amayah dragged her suitcase behind her. The wooden walls seemed to close in on her, and she let out a sigh of discontent. "call me sweetheart again and I will leave." she grumbled, tossing her coat onto a nearby chair.

Max rolled his eyes, already accustomed to her complaints about the nickname. "Whatever you say, Alvarez. Besides, why leave this place is beautiful. Look at the snow outside. It might not be how I wanted to spend my week, but I guess the view makes up for it."

Amayah glanced out of the window, where the snow-covered landscape stretched as far as the eye could see. She couldn't deny the beauty of the snowy mountains, but her annoyance persisted. "I still don't see why we couldn't stay at separate cabins."

Max smirked. "Because then it wouldn't look like we're a happy couple enjoying a romantic getaway."

"Happy couple my ass," Amayah muttered under her breath as she glanced at the cabin's interior. To her dismay, she noticed only one bed. "Seriously? One bed? You have to be kidding me."

Max chuckled. "You'll survive, Alvarez. It's just for a couple of days."

With a huff, she dropped onto the cabin's couch and crossed her arms. "I'm not sharing the bed with you."

"It's a big bed. Get over it," Max rolled his eyes, enjoying the irritation etched on Amayah's face.

As Amayah's body sank more into the couch, Max couldn't help but notice how tense she seemed. He knew how much she wanted to just go home and get away from everything...but Max didn't realize how much this relationship and everything else has taken a toll on the brunette.

Max checked the dinner reservation details on his phone that Carter sent him about three hours ago. "We have a reservation at the resort's restaurant in an hour. You might want to freshen up, Alvarez."

Amayah shot him a glare. "Are you implying I don't look good right now?"

He paused, debating in his head what to say. "I feel like whatever I'll be pissed. So I'm going to choose to stay silent..."

"Good choice" she nodded, standing up from the couch. "You should choose that more often." she muttered, heading to the small bathroom to prepare for dinner.

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