Chapter 2: When cavemen are after you:

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Chapter 2:

I whipped my head around to face the most arrogant. Pig-Headed. Egotistical. Foul Mouthed. Douchebag. Player. Delinquent. Walking S.T.D. Ever.

The same asshole who refused to be my partner in chemistry and made me cry like a little bitch.

I fumed.

"You fucking bitch what the fuck did you do to car?!" He stormed over; even from across the parking lot you could make out storming grey eyes and his face turning red from anger. My face flushed from anger as well.

"I'm assuming you're this Probability Artington guy?" I yelled, squinting across the parking lot as he continued to make his way over from the baseball fields. He stomped over using hand motions and swearing so much I lost count after 17.

Cali's face visibly paled and her lips barely moved whispering his name, "Chance Arrington." My eyebrows furrowed. I turned towards my friend.

"Cali why are you freaking out? You're acting like we should be scared or something." I joked. Cali's blonde hair blew in the wind and her big green eyes were wide in disbelief. She looked like an actress who saw the ax- murderer come out the shadows ready to kill her...and that part- the part where she looked ready to embrace death, that part scared me.

"Uh should we run then or something?" I whispered. She only shook her head as a reply.

I didn't like that response.

Oh shit.

I grabbed Cali's hand and jerked her away but she remained firmly in place. I gave her a "wtf" look and jerked her again, this time with much more force necessary. My body fell clumsily into someone else's creepily-not-there-before-rock-hard body.

Cole or Carter, whatever this guys name was, yanked me off of his body with so much disgust in his face I felt completely insignificant. He harshly gripped my forearms shaking me while yelling, "So you were going to leave huh? You fucking destroy my car and then try to pull a hit and run on me...uh-uh I don't think so. Look at my car! There's a fucking baseball bat protruding out the fucking window! Do you see that? Look at my car!" He shook emphasizing his car with each blow of his words. I yanked my arms out of his grip and backed away from him. I noticed the outline of his angry hands was left imprinted and red on my forearms.

"Who do you think you are? Get your hands off of me and don't you touch me!" My throat burned from yelling so loud. He looked down at his hands, his grey eyes widening, he took a step back and looked like he was trying to calm himself.

"No who do you think you are? You trying to get my attention or some shit?! You fucking girls are a bunch of psycho ass stalkers-" I cut off his rant, scoffing at his accusation. "Oh get over yourself. I could care less about you, it was an accident you thick headed egotistical idiot! Who goes around beating cars with baseball bats? That doesn't even make sense."

"It makes perfect sense, that's something something a stalker would say! They would try to deny it!" He ran a hand through his messy dark hair, coming to some sort of internal conclusion.

"You're paying for my car to be fixed." he said simply.

I fumed. I shouldn't have even left a stupid note. I should have just left, and then I could keep my college savings all to myself. I stared blankly, slowly blinking once.


Before I grabbed Cali's hand and sprinted off leaving the douchebag eating my dust.

Well that's kinda' what I assumed was happening, until I heard him yelling, " We're not through!" and the unmistakable sound of a freaking giant coming after me. I screamed a little and tugged on Cali's hand harder and just like that, it was like she awoke from her scary movie trance and realized we were being chased by a real life monster and that we needed to run.  A freaking monster who just so happened to be carrying his baseball bat.

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