Chapter 14: Bee's Knees

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Chapter 14: The Bee's Knees

I clocked in.

Two minutes late. Freaking fantastical balls. Matthew's gonna give me an earrful. I mentally groaned pulling a hand to my forehead, already stressing out.

Kids don't ever do life.

It's stressful as shit. Just live off your parents and be a kid.

Because once you get a job, I'm telling you, you never get away. You get too used to the money. And too used to being treated like crap and stressing out, and I cri I cri.

And let me just rant and give you some more tapping myself should heed.


I hate this stupid job.

I let another angry growl-sigh fall underneath my breath as I caught sight of the pudgy greased up scumbag that was Matt. Okay he's not necessarily pudgy or greased up. I'd be lying if I said that. He's an attractive mid to late twenties man.  But his psychotic personality takes away from all of that. So don't get carried away fancying him. The dude is crazy. That's not an understatement either. I just I don't know...I get vibeys off of him. He's attractive and knows it, but seems like the type who wouldn't hesitate to get back at a girl and date rape drug her if said female was to turn him down.

Personally, I'm pretty positive he hates me because I wouldn't go out with him.

Long story short he thought I was old enough to get drinks, and I was like nahh dood, this seventeen year old hella virgin lyfe doe... or something like that and he got mad. Apparently he thought I was lying about being underage, because he asked me out again and I told him no. He just didn't get it in his head, that one, I can't drink, two I won't, and three, my mum didn't raise me to get picked up by pedophiles.

And even after I told him that, in kinder terms I might add, he had the nerve to get pissy with me.

That was about three months ago, and he's still holding a grudge. I mean sorry you're not Ryan Gosling, because that's the only man who'd I'd get in a white van with. Thank you sir. Have a pleasant day.  

I watched him flit his eyes across the room settling on the frown that was placed on my lips. He smirked at me, already too eager to come threaten me. I drew up my brows, grabbing a hair tie from my wrist and throwing my dark hair into a ponytail. Battle ready. He excused himself from a table of customers and came swiftly towards the podium I stood at. I pulled a fallen piece of hair behind my ear just as he grabbed the triangle of my arm dragging me from from the hostess stand and behind the bar.

The more secluded part I might add.

I sighed, glaring upwards, shaking my arm of his as soon as we were behind the bar.

He glared back, his styled to perfection long blonde hair never falling out of place, "How late were you?" Seriously? He asked me the question like I was forty minutes late."Like thirty seconds-"

"Wrong. Two minutes." He crossed his arms, his muscles buldging in his tight dress shirt. He went to the gym almost everyday and bragged. A classic country club tool.

I rolled my eyes.

"Why would you even ask if you knew already?" I retorted crossing my arms also. Shit. I can be intimidating too sir.

He puckered his lips poised as if to say something. He squinted at me. His Sharp nose pointed down in distaste. He stood there exactly like that. The small gears in his head turning. His face suddenly went blank.

"Fine you close." He said it like there was no other answer. He left no room for objection but that surely wasn't going to stop me.

"No. I don't close. I'm not doing it." I objected raising my brows in anger.

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