Chapter: 7: Part 1:

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Chapter 7:

"Angel cake." An angelic voice whispered.

"Ryan no."Ryan Gosling lay in a white bed begging me to come cuddle him. I had to be at work soon though, and he could wait until I got home to snuggle me. Man. Those were words I never thought I'd say. He pulled the puppy dog and I almost died. How can he put so much emotion in a frown?

He raised a brow, a mischievous idea coming to him. A guitar was suddenly encased in his hands. He strummed it, musically seducing me. "Sugar bear." I shook my head in protests to his attempts. But I knew my will was even waring thin. He ran his fingers through his golden hair chuckling when his shirt disappeared. Oops my shirt fell off, he muttered unapologetically. I visibly gaped. Ooh you clever clever man. I didn't have long enough to scold him before he was was on his knees pulling me back towards the bed. I gave in, falling helplessly into him. So this is what abs feel like? Naughty Sage. He twisted to say something, a startling ladylike voice coming from his lips. "Sweet pea get up."

My mother's voice.

I groaned burrowing further into my blankets. "No." I pulled my comforter over my head.

"Time to get all pretty." I could hear the eager smile in my mom's voice.

"No. I want to be ugly." My mom gently pulled my comforter away from my face, and I ignored her faking sleep, so she'd go away. "Honey you don't mean that." My eyes were closed tight, a look I had hoped would discourage her. Unfortunately that didn't last long. I felt her before I saw her, small wiffs of mint hitting my face. I slowly opened one eye, jumping back from my mom's wide blue ones. Her face was literally a centimetre away from mine and she was watching me fake sleep.

"Mom. Geez louise. What's your deal? It's-" I grabbed my iPad off my nightstand, shocked seeing the numbers staring back at me. "4:49?" My eyes widened even further if possible, "A.M?! Mom it's still dark outside!" I complained.

My mom grinned. "Well you know what they say Sage. The early bird catches the cheese... or the worm." Her eyebrows rose in questioning. "Something like that. Now sweetpea no ifs, ands, or buts. Get your tooshy to your bathroom. I already have everything set up." My mom huffed indignantly, trotting to my bathroom throwing a, " two minutes or you're grounded sweetpea" over her shoulder. I scowled. Evil sorcering woman abuses her power.

I huffed in anger, falling out of bed and stalking to my bathroom. I had one of those wierd shared bathrooms with the guest room a.k.a. Jareds new office, so it was decently sized. My mom guided me to my toilet seat and I plopped down widening my eyes to see my whole countertop filled with makeup and hair products. She didn't wait for me to ogle, for all too soon she was brushing my hair out. She pulled and tugged, spraying and rubbing products in it. The works. The whole sha-bang-bang.

With my knowledge I got the jist she was curling and straightening but I was drifting in and out of sleep. I jumped when she was doing my mascara with closed eyes. I guess she had already covered my black eye and put eye shadow on my eyelids because she smiled, "Done. You. Look. Beautiful." I stood up stretching and yearning to get a good look in the mirror but she smacked me away slapping my butt awfully hard on the way out. I walked into my bedroom not necessarily surprised to see an outfit already picked out lying on the bed. My mom waved her hand out urging me to get dressed. I didn't make a move. "You can't even argue with me girlfriend, this is totes your style." she stated.

I see she's using "totes" now.

Lord have mercy on my soul. I warily eyed the outfit on my bed.

Today was going to be a long day.


I arrived at William Hart and made my way down the hallways to the commons. It's where me and Cali had agreed to meet when I called her this morning.Tugging at the high red skirt, I trudged on. I felt so exposed. Here we were in March and I was prancing around in mini skirts. Isn't that girl code or something, nothing above knee until April? Maybe I made that up. But I just couldn't help the way my eyes flitted around nervously from person to person, accessing their reaction. I mean I'm not the most known person at this school yet. I'm probably average. And I couldn't help wondering if it was my fight with Denia yesterday or my flattering outfitt today that was giving me attention. I had carefully been listening to the whispers in the hall today deciphering them, figuring which were rumors and which were flattery, but it seemed to be both. I ran a hand through the dark brown locks, my mother had styled my hair to perfection. I'd be lying if I said I didn't look like I was some superstar. It was literal perfection; big voluptuous curls framing my heart shaped face. I mean I might be overdoing it a bit with the bright red lipstick, but what's glamour without a red lip? It's classic.

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