Chapter 3: 50 scary shades of detention:

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Chapter 3:

A fly sputtered around lazily plopping down on my shoulder. I hid my disgust and avoid swatting at it like a maniac. Sure wouldn't want a repeat of yesterday now would me? In my defense,  that fly looked awfully similar to a flying spider. So of course I eep and totally flip my chip resulting in an accusation of "Disturbance" and another detention.  

So now my week goes a little something like this, detention on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and now Friday because I was "disturbing the peace," which made absolutely no sense considering in my detention there was only one other person...Mrs. Reynolds.  

Yay detention with Mrs. Reynolds!

Insert happy dance here.


See after being almost physically assaulted I was quite appalled to find out my ultimate demise was considered public indecency and public display of affection. Apparently now-a-days when a boy chases you around the parking lot with a bat and tackles your ass to the ground and proceeds to lie on top of you while your plead for your death screaming, "Just give it to me and make it quick!" People get the wrong idea.  

I at the time considered it murder, my bad.

My unlucky cloud clearly following me,  Mrs. Reynolds sentences me with 3 detentions for PDA which was absolute bullshit on her part. If that's considered affection I must have gone off the wall and misread the definition. If anything I needed protection from this Public Display of Assault!

I huffed just thinking about it. That Chance guy had gotten the same sentence, but lingered to talk to Mrs. Reynolds. So he probably smooth talked his way out of it or something. But then again he looks like the kid who would skip detention, well either that or he died : )

Let's hope for the latter.

Well that was my perfect train of thought, until Mr. Tardykinz waltzes on in. 

Yes that's what I called him. Mister Tardy-kinz, and yes it sounds feminine because he's a little bitch.

I glanced over to cold looking desk Mrs. Reynolds sat rather comfortably reading at. As if she could feel me looking at her, Mrs. Reynold's beady little eyes made their way from the behind the book she was reading. I squinted trying to make out the book title. Suddenly she slammed the book down.

"You're late Mr. Arrington." Her face flushed, nose flaring as she literally "puffed" up. No, really. She puffed up like someone was blowing her up with a cute little bendy straw.

"No shit sherlock." He blew under his breath. 

 My eyebrows shot up.

Well-well- well, looky we got us a badass here.

"I'll pretend, I didn't hear that Mr. Arrington for sake of that scholarship." She warned.

He shot Mrs. Puff a dirty look and then flickered his stormy grey eyes over to me. Strolling over he tossed his backpack carelessly onto a desk in the row adjacent to mine. Chance seamlessly jumped over the bar oh his desk and fell down in his seat. 

Show off.  

Why not just step over the chair with your long gigantor legs?

I could smell him from here. He smelled like cigarettes, some delicious stereotypical hot guy smell, and something else I couldn't quite place...cherries? I sank back in my chair a bit as he settled in his desk, somewhat still apprehensive and paranoid about his ulterior motives. He never told the principal about his car... well from my understanding. Maybe I shouldn't make assumptions, but hey, I never got in trouble for that. I saw him at school but I don't know, maybe he didn't see me...or is secretly plotting my death?  I've been watching all those buff guys he hangs out with and I'm not gonna' lie they're fricking scary. And those are only the baseballs guys, there's also the crackhead drug dealer ones that look like they could kick pistol whip your ass or something.

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