Chapter 4: And that would be a locker I just ran into:

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Chapter 4:

After my detention I hadn't contemplated what operation 'make his life hell' ensued. So I figured I'll leave the past in the past and stay away from Chance and his crazy demon eyes... I know I'm so mature, also I don't want him to throw me across a room or anything.

Today had been quite the normal day for me. My first couple of hours had gone by quite swell, well swell for a Thursday. Besides the more frequent staring people were doing today. Me being myself, I just figured people really liked my shirt. Hey; I had borrowed it from Cali and she has swag or something. Anyways, my day was going fine. The normally crowded hallways of William Hart High School seemed suspiciously vacant. The only thing semi- interesting today was that Cali had been missing in my first hour because she slept in. Well that's what she had told me in our fourth hour. It's not like I could text her and be like "What up playa playa, where were you this morning?" No I couldn't because some jerk bucket had thrown my phone at a whiteboard.

Breathe Allison. Breathe. Like I said I'm not even holding a grudge anymore. No payback for this girl...I was just going to be calm and mature about it. See I was totally pissed leaving detention and I went straight to Cali to vent. By the way... that's a never again, she's been totally swooned by the buffoon and was biased about the whole situation. I'm pretty sure she's convinced they have some ultimate undying love for eachother due to the fact he said they should meet in person sometime. What? You've gone to this highschool how long? And meet in person no, why so he can seduce my best friend? I won't allow it, I forbid his dirty hands from even laying a finger.

Ergh, my point is I'm going to be the more mature one.

I was walking with the love stricken bohemian flower child and she was doing her usual rambling. Stopping at my locker I sighed to show my utter annoyance at the way this conversation was leading to. If you were curious it was steering towards the topic of Chance Arrington. I hastily spun the dial on the locker and tugged on my locker to open it. My locker didn't budge. I tugged on it again with more force only to have it not move. Are you kidding me? I irritatedly gripped the handle on my locker and yanked back but to no avail.

"Mother fuc-." I was just about to beat the crap out of it when someone noticeable shot their hand out from behind me. I looked behind me to see the assailant and my eyes went wide. He smiled down at my stunned face. His brown hazel eyes sparkling with unsaid mischief. "Thought I'd help you out." He chuckled.

Aiden then began knocking sporadically on my locker door to almost a beat. I was hoping I wasn't staring at the slight movement of his shaking copper hair and the way his muscles rippled in his shirt. Or how delicious he smelled, but I'm awkward and it was probably noticeable.

"Uh-yeah, thanks." I muttered a blush warming my cheeks. He gave my locker one good last knock and it bounced open. I stood with my mouth agape. Are you freaking kidding me? He does some weird knock thing and it just pops open. I bet I look like some incapable dork. I was yelling at myself internally until Cali nudged me in the arm. I looked up startled to only lock eyes with Aiden.

I swear it's a trap. He grinned downward lazily. And I think my heart stopped. Say something Alison.

"Yeah uh thanks...again. Did I say that already? Shit." more like mental bitch slap.

I swear to John every time this kid comes around I'm like a walking tomato. I looked down wringing my hands flustered at my stupidity around him until I heard him laugh. I looked up unsure of his laughter. He had opened my locker fully and was examining the different knick knacks hanging on the door.

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