ch. 10

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The car ride was silent, but not an uncomfortable silence at all. I guess we were both thinking about everything, processing this entirely. Grian looked out the car window, he was viewing the surroundings. I smiled, he looked so lost in thought.

I continued driving, lost in thought as well. It's just.. there's something about Grian that makes me feel.. soft? Like there's a warm feeling inside me whenever I talk to him and I just feel so happy and jittery that I want to explode. I'm not sure why, I don't think I've felt that way about anybody before. It's so new to me, and I don't know what it is. I just have the urge to cradle him in my arms and be with his presence and hold him forever till the end of time- GOD, no time to think- I'm literally driving istg I'll crash if I continue daydreaming-

I took a deep breath and sighed, I can think about Grian later. I mean- why even think about him when he's right here with me?! Maybe there is something wrong with me. I looked over at Grian again and he was looking at me, his eyes widened and his face turned red, turning around and looking back at the window quickly. Did I just catch him staring at me..?

Grians house (or should I say 'mansion' ) came into view and I saw Grian sink more into the seat. I feel bad taking him back, but also guilty to keep him at my place. But I know he's better off here, I don't want to bother him. I stopped by the sidewalk near the entrance gate and unlocked the car doors, I looked at Grian with a smile. He didn't look at me back though, he had a very heartbreaking expression on his face. Grian opened the car door and hopped out, he didn't even say bye. Did I upset him?

I got out of the car and ran over to Grian who was stood by the gate, he turned around and looked at me with a startled expression. I didn't quite know what to say, I didn't know why I even ran up to him. I suddenly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly, not wanting to ever let go. I felt Grian shiver, then he began to hug me as well, his hands grabbing the back of my shirt. It was sudden, and unexpected of me. I don't know what I was doing but, it felt right.

I heard Grian make a slight sniffling sound below me, I let go and looked at him, still holding onto his forearms. He was crying, tears flowing down his face. He tried to cover his face with his sleeves and I pulled him into a hug again, even tighter this time. He hid his face into my shoulder and sobbed, grabbing at the front of my shirt this time.

I don't- I don't exactly know what he was crying about, maybe I did something wrong but him crying into my chest like this makes me doubt that. I just feel so bad for him, I feel like I've wronged him somehow. I don't feel good enough. "I'm sorry, Scar." Grian mumbled below me, his voice broken. "What would you be sorry for?" I asked softly, looking down at Grian who's face was still hidden. He didn't reply, just continuing to sob. I ran my fingers through his hair thoroughly, comforting him the best I could.

I'm guessing it's due to stress, I get it. I wish I could cry into someone's arms like this when everything gets too much, I always get overwhelmed and break down and cry for what feels like hours. I think he's feeling that way right now, too.

After forever, Grian let go. But his hands were still clasped onto my shirt. He was shaking, he then looked up at me. His eyes were swollen from crying, and his eyes were shiny from his tears. He looked like he wanted to say something, he looked like he wanted to do something. My eyes didn't leave his, I was lost in them. So lost that I didn't notice that his face had gotten a bit closer towards mine, realizing that fact made me blush and my whole face was burning. It made me realize that Grians face had a pink shade to it too. I probably look so stupid right now..

He was going to say something, that was until a very fancy-looking white car pulled up next to us and Grian got off me quickly. I didn't even know what kind of brand that car was, I've literally never seen something like that before in my life. The car window rolled down to reveal a beautiful middle-aged lady, she had very light blonde hair and a pearl necklace around her neck, and she looked to be wearing a fluffy white jacket.

"Hi! Whose your friend here, Grian?~" The lady spoke in a very nice tone as she stepped out of the car. I turned to Grian who had a disgusted look upon his face, he looked down and didn't say a word which I thought was odd. "I-I think you should go, Scar.." he whispered as he turned towards me. "Scar? Well it's such nice meeting you, young man. Say, you have fabulous looks, ever consider modeli-" She said shaking my hand with her silk white gloves, before I was being pushed by Grian back to my car. "W-wha- Grian.?" I tried to say before interrupted. "..Please Scar.." he whispered again desperately.

I don't know what was going on, I'll assume this lady was his Mom based on how she was acting, and her obvious British accent that matched Grians. But, Grian was pushing me to leave and- I shouldn't fight against him. I was sad, I couldn't read how he was feeling at all. There's so many mixed emotions going through me I-I can't even think properly.

Grian walked back towards the gate as his Mom wrapped her hand around Grians shoulder, laughing at something and clearly talking to him. I saw Grian look back at me with a worried expression, it hurt to see him so uncomfortable. Is it- is it his family that makes him so sad? I can't even do anything about it at this moment either, I can't make him more upset then he already is. I put my car in gear and drove away.

I walked across my room and fell onto my bed, I have patrol today.. I sighed heavily, tired out of my mind. I turned my gaze towards my closet, looking at the Hot-Guy uniform that was hung up. I guess I better get ready, then.

I sat upon the tallest building as I always do and looked for trouble on the surface. I tried not to think about Grian, and just.. everything. It was all too much for me to handle, I can't worry about all of that right now, I have people to save and lives could be on the line. He's so confusing though, he makes me feel different. I don't know why I care about him as much as I do. And, what was he gonna say to me earlier? He got so close to me, his face was as red as mine. That moment felt so special, why did it have to end so quickly?

I wanted to hold his face right then and there, maybe even get closer and.. do I- do I like Grian..? I retraced my steps. Well.. I do want to hold him, I do want to hug him forever, I do care for him- A LOT, I would do anything for him, I do want to kiss him- okay that's enough. O-oh god..

I felt my face burn up for at least the 100th time today, this is so embarrassing. It.. it makes sense though, unfortunately. How can I be so foolish to even let that happen?! HOW did that happen?? I groaned in frustration, covering my flushed face as I lay on the concrete roof. I sat back up and rubbed the back of my head shamefully, I glanced back down towards the ground to continue my patrol. I need to stop getting so distracted.

Something caught my attention on a building from afar, it was directly across from me. I could see the silhouette of a tiny figure with large wings, in a crouching position. Is that.. Grian.? Or should I say CuteGuy. I held my hand over my eyebrow to block the bright sunset sky, sure enough it looked like him.

I leapt off the building and ran towards the one directly across from me, climbing swiftly but quietly. I finally made it to the rooftop and there he was, sitting on the ledge with his head resting on his knees with crossed arms. He looked so peaceful.. I walked up to him and sat down next to him, he didn't even notice. Or maybe he did, I'm not sure.

I looked at his face, his eyes were closed. Was he sleeping? His body rose and fell, he was clearly breathing. But how in the world was he sleeping sitting up?? Bird habits I'm guessing, I didn't bother him. He can sleep, after today I think he needs it. He shouldn't be on patrol today anyway, I've got it. It's been a very stressful day and he deserves rest. Maybe he wants to be left alone though, hm. I got up on my knees, before I stood up I leaned over Grian, kissing his forehead gently before getting up and sliding off the building quietly.

lots of emotions here guys iM SO SORRY☠️☠️

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