ch. 22

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Is it time? Do I- do I tell him? I've been thinking about it this entire car ride, why am I scared? I can't bring up the courage, I know he feels the same way he has to but- I'm just.. afraid. I don't know what I'm afraid of, I know it's not rejection. Maybe it's the fact of what other people will think, like my family.

I looked over at Scar who was driving, I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I've done this about 3 times now, is it the right time? Why can't I speak? There's so much I have to say, but the words won't come out. I-

The car slowed down as I looked out the window, we were in front of my house. I sighed, I guess that answered my question. It's fine, I can just.. do it after the ceremony like I planned to. Maybe I shouldn't try to rush myself.

"Do you think they're here?" Scar asked, my parents vehicles aren't ever in the driveway, they're always put in the garage, so you can't really see anything from here. "I'll go check, stay here please. I'll text you and let you know." I said, opening the car door and stepping outside. "Okay! And if anything goes wrong, let me know!" Scar replied, that made me feel a bit less scared. I was nervous as I walked up to the gate, shakily typing in the password before it opened. What will I do if they're here? Will they stay quiet? Nono- they'll see my broken wing and they'll probably hurt me- maybe even assume that I'm CuteGuy-

The front door was locked as usual, but I always have my window. Now I need to do this as sneaky as I can, not because of my parents, because of my wings. They're out in the open and very much visible, someone can just show up and see my wings and point me out to be CuteGuy, that thought made me start to sprint.

I climbed up the tree as quick as I could, my wings hitting a few branches. Scar had cut 2 large holes on the back of a shirt of his so my wings could feel more comfortable, and because my broken wing can't fit under a shirt right now. It was thoughtful of him, and plus he completely ruined his own shirt for me. I managed to get through the window and I fell onto the hard wood floor, I scrambled to get up as I tried my best to tip-toe through the house. There's no noise in the house at all, that's a good sign. I walked downstairs and made my way into the garage, I peeked through the door and what I saw was.. nothing. No cars, no limos, nothing. I felt excitement rush through my body, but also fear. It's just the thought that they could come home any second is what scares me, but excited because I'm not being let down here as usual. I pulled out my phone and texted Scar immediately.

Soon after, Scar came in. "I still can't consider this as a 'house' Grian- this is a mansion." Scar said as he crossed his arms, he gazed at the tall ceilings above. I don't really care for my house- I mean 'mansion.' I mean yeah, it's big, that's pretty much it. Not to mention how strict and bad my family is does not make up for it. But, from the outside I can understand. People kill to live in something like this, and I'm grateful truly- it's just.. not at all what it seems from a different perspective. I looked towards the staircase, then back at Scar who was turned the other direction. I grabbed his hand and ran, pulling him upstairs with me. "wHA-!" He shrieked.

I ran into my room and dragged him inside, he caught himself behind me. "Woah! That's a big room, Grian!" Scar said, having the look of amazement on his face. I forget that Scar has never seen my room before, despite me being in his all the time. I nodded in agreement, then walking towards my large closet doors. I grabbed the handle and opened the door, walking in and flicking on the closet light.

Scars eyes went wide, he didn't speak for a moment. "You're sure a fashionable man." He said overwhelmingly, I laughed at his response. I looked around on my clothing racks to try and find a large-yet good looking jacket that'll cover up my wings. The thing is, I don't necessarily have to cover them up, it's just- this is a ceremony and I'm going to be showing up with bandages all over one wing, I'll look stupid. And yeah!- everyone knows that my wing got shot, but I'll look weak up there in front of everyone, I don't like looking that way. Plus everyone thinks I'm dead, so..

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