ch. 15

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Scar drove away from my house as I sat quietly in the passenger seat. I wanted to tell Scar, but would that be the equivalent to me confessing to him? I don't know, I don't want him to hate me. It's probably not even confessing anyway- it's just something my mom did and said that made me break down in the first place.

Scar parked in the mall parking lot, he then turned over towards me and sat patiently. "Now what's the matter, songbird?" He asked, the nickname caught me off guard, but it also made me feel more warm and comfortable about talking. I took in a deep breath, "Can I admit something, Scar?" I said, Scar nodding in response. I didn't really know where to start, I've never said something so personal like this before.

"I don't have a good family, everything looks perfect on the outside but, it's complete opposite on the inside." I admitted. "When I get home, it's either they don't care or I get hit, that's how it always works. Today when I went in there, my mom saw me wearing your clothes." This was a hard thing for me to talk about, I don't think I've ever told anybody how my life is at home, ever. "..She accused me of having a boyfriend, and did the usual um.. hitting." I finally said, I don't think I want to go into further detail at this point.

I looked up to see Scar, he looked unhappy, he looked mad. Is he mad at me? "They don't deserve you, Grian." Scar said, his voice was very low. I don't think I've ever heard him speak like that, I'll admit it's scary when the guy whose always happy gets mad. It was very silent for a long moment.

"It's- it's not bad to have a boyfriend, is it..?" I asked, it was an embarrassing question but, it's been bothering me. Scars face changed completely and went more into a saddened expression. "No- no Grian it's okay, that's not a bad thing at all." He replied, placing his hands into mine. "You can like whoever you want to, if you want to have a boyfriend that's your choice, no one should be telling you otherwise." He encouraged, making me feel more okay with all of this.

I smiled, looking down and me and Scars interlocked hands. My mother was wrong, and I feel no shame in me and Scar sharing clothes, nor having a boyfriend. Scar isn't my boyfriend, but I wouldn't ever complain if he was. I hope that one day I can somehow tell him, maybe he'd like me too but I don't really know. He makes me feel special. "Now, how about you say we go shopping to get your mind off things?" Scar suggested, making me smile in return. "Yeah, I'd like that." I replied.

Me and Scar entered the mall and looked around, it really did take my mind off things. Whenever I'm with Scar my mood completely changes, I'm more focused on him than anything and anyone else. I picked up a pair of tinted dark blue sunglasses and raised them up, putting them on Scars face. He giggled as he took them off, face changing immediately as he saw the price.

"It's okay, you have me Scar." I told him, "But I-" he tried to let out, "It won't make a dent in my pocket, now shush and let me buy them for you." I said as I giggled, making Scar look away sheepishly. He then found a pair of pink and white heart shaped sunglasses, placing them onto my face. I laughed and switched glasses with him, now putting the pink ones on Scar. It was funny seeing him in these pink heart glasses, he looks good in about everything.

We bought the glasses and made our way out of the store, luckily the cashier didn't pay too much attention to us because they could've guessed that we're HotGuy and CuteGuy due to the glasses we were buying. "What store do you wanna go to next?" Scar asked, I looked around at the surrounding stores. A flower shop caught my eye as I grabbed Scars hand, running to the store.

It was a beautiful shop, I've always loved flowers. The scent of the shop was magnificent and made me feel like I was in the middle of a flower field. I looked at the lilacs and picked them up to examine, lilacs are always so pretty, so are poppies. I looked over to see Scar looking at flower crowns that were being sold, "What's your favorite flower, Scar?" I asked him. "Hm. I like sunflowers." He replied as he touched a sunflower flower crown, now that I think about it, those match him so well.

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