ch. 18

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It's interesting. How you can stay so calm next to somebody as if you don't think about them almost every second of the day. I mean, I can play it off just fine! Or at least I think I do. I could see Grian out of the corner of my eye, he seems so flustered. For some reason I liked that, how easy it was to fluster him, even if it was something simple like holding his hand. I wonder if I could just- push his limits.

I began to move closer to Grian, I was already pretty close to begin with so we were practically touching shoulder-to-shoulder at this point. I heard a slight hum come from him, I looked up and met his eyes which were already on me to begin with. He seemed to be even more flustered at the fact that I was making direct eye contact, it looked like he panicked and began struggling to look anywhere but me. I smirked, "What's wrong, pretty bird?~" I asked sweetly as Grian turned the opposite direction from me, his face was bright red at this point.

"Aw, are you mad at me?" I pouted, obviously messing with him. He seems to get really flustered whenever I do that, I'm not exactly sure why but, it makes me want to keep going. I continued to flirt with Grian, seeing as it messed with him in a good way. His reactions were always so cute to me, every single time. But it was all put to a stop when there was a sudden loud explosion from the city below, me and Grian jumped up and looked down.

Something was getting blown up at a rapid pace, it looked like someone was getting into the local bank?! I stood up immediately and jumped down the building without thinking twice, Grian following behind me as he began to fly. I ran over to the bank cautiously and got out my bow, loading it with an arrow just in case, ready to shoot anybody that crosses my path. I slid behind a building and peeked out from behind it to not draw attention. I tried to find whoever was up to this, searching the area steadily. I couldn't see anybody in the exploded areas, they're obviously somewhere else at this point.

I scanned all the surrounding buildings and found nothing each time, all of the surrounding citizens have either ran away or hid. Hm, then that means the person whose up to this is most likely inside. I carefully ran up to the bank, finding a back exit that wasn't exploded and getting in. I crouched behind walls and tall objects just in case there was someone in here, I didn't know if this person had a weapon at all but I knew for a fact they had bombs of some sort. I looked through the gaping hole in the wall that was exploded due to the bombs, I could see outside and the city through it. I then saw something that caught my eye, a person standing in a dark alley corner. I could faintly see that they had a gun, like a sniper of some kind. I don't know, I'm not a pro at gun-types and all of that jazz. They were- aiming at something on the building in front of me. Did they find the culprit already?! Or was this the culprit? I looked up to see, getting ready to point my bow up to the top. Someone was standing on the ledge of the building, a short yet familiar figure. It took me a second for my eyes to adjust, but it was already too late.

W-wait, nono-
That- That's Grian-!

The world froze. A loud gun shot echoed through the city landscape. My heart stopped. No- no that didn't just- My eyes widened as I looked back up at the building. The bullet hit Grian. I could hear the sound of my own scream more than anything else. He collapsed, beginning to fall off the edge of the building. I panicked, I panicked I panicked I panicked I panicked I panicked I-I-

I ran up to the building, looking up to see where he was falling so I could catch him out of instinct. It was a long, hard fall. I feel like the whole world was in slow motion, I was feeling every wrong emotion in the world. He fell right into my arms harshly, sending me straight to the ground. It nearly knocked the wind out of me, but now's not the time to worry about myself. I need- I need Grian. I looked down at Grian who was now in my arms, moving his hair from his face, ignoring how I felt, and caressed the side of his face with my hand, "Nononono.." I mumbled to myself over, and over, and over again. There were tears running down my face naturally.

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