ch. 24

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(AAAAAAAAAAthis hasn't been updated in so long I'm so sORRYYYY!!!!!! I've been very busy +I lost motivation BUT I AM BACK!!!! also if I get some of the details of the story off pls tell me bc I have very bad memory on what I have wrote previously😭 this isn't the last chapter btw! there will be more I promiss^_^)


I walked around the city at 4:00 in the morning, it was still dark out, and there was a faint smell of previous rainfall. I had struggled falling asleep, I'm guessing due to stress, and it's driving me crazy.

I don't know why I'm so affected by the inaccurate missing posters being posted up around the city, maybe I'm just offended. Offended by how someone, Grians mother I'd assume, can be so unintelligent as to why he left in the first place. In fact, her having the nerve to show up during our ceremony.

I didn't tell Grian that part.

During the ceremony, as me and Grian were on stage, I saw a familiar looking woman in the crowd. Now, I'm not typically phased by woman, nor are there any that stand out to me, but it was hard to ignore when I saw a lady that was surrounded by like- 7 bodyguards. '7 bodyguards-' are you crazy??

Another thing I noticed was that she had been talking with several police officers in the crowd, I'd like to think it was related to the missing posters. Her spreading false info, probably telling them how 'awful' Grian is, or just sugarcoating the entire thing.

I stopped in my tracks, staring blankly ahead of me. I rubbed my burning eyelids with my palms and let out a drastic sigh, I need to stop thinking about all of this. I continued walking. Walking to where? No clue, just walking.

Me and Grian are supposed to go to Mumbos house this weekend, let's hope Grians wings are healed by then. If they ever found out that he has wings then- I don't know what I'd do.

I don't know what Grian would do.
I sighed once again, I better just go home.


*bzz!* *bzz!*

*bzz!* *bzz!*

I groaned, opening my eyes and hitting my phone with my fist beside me, surprised it didn't break. The noises didn't stop however, they continued to erupt and annoy me even more. I then picked up my phone to finally see what all of the ruckus was, it was from Boatem. I've only gotten an hour of sleep.. what could they possibly want at 6 in the morning??

Boatem Crew

Mumbo: Um? GRIAN!

Impulse: @Grian @Grian @Grian


Pearl: wait what happened???


Pearl: ?????


Pearl: WHAT

Impulse: or he ran away bc that's what the missing poster said

Mumbo: Have you gotten ahold of him?

Pearl: no but didn't he talk yesterday??

Mumbo: Yes he did

Scar: ?


I took my eyes off my bright phone screen, looking down beside me to see Grian, who was holding onto my chest tightly. He was asleep, seeing his body rise and fall. People are really worried about him, I can't blame them either. If Grian ever went missing I don't know what I'd do, I'd probably go crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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