ch. 21

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I sat in Scars bed and fumbled with the TV remote, I put something random on the screen then tossed the remote, rolling over on my side. I'm not tired, but I'm bored. I'm upset as well, although I don't mean to be.

I can't help but miss Scar, even though he just left. I feel like I have a problem with missing him so often, maybe it's just attachment issues or something? I looked at the nightstand where my phone lay, I picked it up and looked at my notifications. There were messages from 'Boatem,' it seemed like Pearl was informing Impulse on the CuteGuy thing. It's so weird seeing them talk about me, even though they have no idea it's me. Also, why in the world did Scar say I'm in FRANCE?!?!

I put my phone back down and rolled over the other way, sighing in frustration. Maybe I am tired, I just need to lay here long enough and I'll fall asleep. It's weird though, how I can't feel my wings. Well I can feel one of them- but the broken one is very numb. I'm starting to get worried, but hopefully after I wake up the feeling will come back. Matter of fact, without Scar here it's almost impossible for me to go to sleep.

I looked up at the pillows on Scars side of the bed, I took them and piled them next to me. I began to hug the pillows as if they were Scar, feeling comforted already. If Scar ever saw me doing this, I'd probably die. The feeling of sleep overpowered my mind, and I fell asleep in a peaceful-yet-exhausted manner.


I woke up, it was extremely hot in the room. My head felt heavy as I sat up to look at the windows, they were dark so it was nighttime. What time is it? I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, it read '10:23 PM.' When's Scar getting off? Oh wait- apparently I had 8 missed calls from him. Is he okay!? I called him back immediately, it rang for a split second until he answered.

"Hi Grian! How are you feeling?" He said, it sounded like he was outside. "I'm fine, I just woke up and I didn't know that you called." I replied, my mind felt like it was half asleep.

"Oh- yeah I called a bunch because I was worried." He said, letting out a small laugh. "What time will you be back?" I asked, hopefully soon.. "I'm heading to my managers station right now and then afterwards I'll be home." He said happily, I sighed in relief. "Everything okay?" He asked worryingly, I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah- yeah I'm fine." I replied, letting out a yawn immediately afterwards.

"Alright! Well I'll be back soon, bye bye Gri!" He said with a playful nickname, "Byee." I replied, pressing the 'END CALL' button. Why can't he be back sooner!? I might as well just, go back to sleep. I'm still tired, matter of fact I'm even more tired than I was before. Surely I won't fall asleep, I can wait. I'll just... wait for Scar.. right here..



It was quiet, the sound of wind gusting going right through my ears. I stared at Scar who was stood still right in front of me, on the far end of the mountain. This is where it ends, one of us will take the victory. I remembered what Scar said beforehand, 'It's a double victory.' His words replayed over and over again in my head.

But it's not, as much as I hate to admit it, one of us will die. We have to fight to the death, that's how it works. This cruel, messed up game. I've learned my lesson, you can't be attached to anything here. Everyone ends up dying, this whole world will crumble, then it all repeats. Being able to get to this point, was it even worth it? Getting to watch all of my friends die?


"Are you ready?" Scar asked.

"Yeah." I said.

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