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Chapter four: You make my day better

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Chapter four: You make my day better.


Maybe I should start working.

Then I'd have an excuse to stay out of my house the entire day.

I could also skip family meetings alleging that I have to cover my coworkers shift.

Yeah, I should definitely start working.

Putting on some random grey pants that I find on the floor of my room, and a black t-shirt that is scattered on the bed, I start heading out of this four walls—Again— noticing how my mom's making breakfast—just like yesterday—. I pick up a random piece of fruit and open the front door, closing it once I'm out.

The sky is clear, no clouds flying around the sun, and the breeze is a bit hotter than usual.

Should've worn something white instead of black. Whatever.

Walking down the street, watching people bathing in the sea while listening to music makes me feel in peace.

I take a breathe and see a tiny shop with a cute sign. Some puppies and kittens drawn on it. It look strangely cozy, so I drag my body and force it to get inside, smelling the sour scent of coffee contrasting with some sweet and well-organized furniture.

"Oh, hello! I didn't think we would get costumers this quickly" a blonde guy greets. His body is well build, making his pink t-shirt look tight. His muscles being underlined by the piece of fabric. When he smiles some dimples appear.

I don't reply verbally, just bowing hesitantly.

He clears his throat a bit looking uncomfortable. Maybe it's due to the fact that I didn't reply to his greeting.

"Do you want anything?" his voice is gentle, not forced or tense.

I'm glad he doesn't find me awkward.

"Um-" I strat talking, but just then I catch a glimpse of a blue paper that is stuck to the wall.

<<We're looking for workers>>

It ends there, I can't read anymore.

This is my chance I guess.

"I'm here for the job" I blurt out, playing unconsciously with the ends of my t-shirt.

I'm not nervous, it's just a bad habit. I used to do it as a kid a lot.

"Oh! Wonderful" He smiles and comes closer to me.

I take a step back.

The blonde guy notice and stays were he is, never breaking that smile with dimples.

"I'm guessing you want to work in the cats section?" he talks sweetly, giving me some papers and a pen."I'm Chan, by the way. This is a cats and dogs café" He explains.

I glance at the papers that I'm holding and read them vaguely.

"How do you know that I prefer cats?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows a bit while looking around, noticing some decorations as cat paws, doggies stickers and so.

The place is very beautiful.

"I know everything" he answers with a slight chuckle.

I can't help but roll my eyes, which is kind of disrespectful, so I look at him, hoping that he didn't get mad, and bow lightly.

He shakes his head, dismissing my mistake.

"Is kind of obviously that you like cats, judging by your phone case and you necklace" Chan beams.

I nod quietly, slapping myself at my stupidity.

"You seem like a very reserved person, but I kinda trust you, so just sing this papers and come tomorrow. Jeongin will explain everything to you then. You'll start working next week. Is that okay with you, um...?" he trails off, trying to remember my name. Silly thing to do, since I've never introduced myself.

"Minho. Lee Minho" I say. He nods excitedly.

I think about it and the thought of  staying in my house for three days , trying to get out not being notice by my mom, makes me sick.

"Can I start working tomorrow?"

He looks at me with a shocked expression. His eyes shine so brightly, I'm almost scared.

"Yeah, of course."

Taking away the papers that I've signed, he places them on the white counter.

I don't know what else to say, so I just start walking to the exit.

"See you tomorrow"

I decide not to say his name, due to the fact that I don't know his age. I don't know if I'm supposed to call him hyung.

I don't really know why, but I'm exhausted. Interactions with other people makes my body feel numb and my mind to go blank for some hours. I need time to recover.

I go to the beach again. Maybe it's because I'm certain that the brunette boy is going to be there, or maybe it's just because I want to lay on the sand for a couple of hours. Thinking about everything but, at the same time, thinking about nothing.

I'm tired. I want to sleep forever. That'd be good.

I chuckle when I distinguish a male with chubby cheeks and some headphones sitting beside the shore. His toes being moisturized by the waves that crush.

He looks cute.

I sit beside him knowing that this is not our usual spot.

Our spot?

"Oh, you're here" is the first thing that he says when he notices my presence.

Nodding I look at the moon.

"How was your day?"

I'm taken aback by his question.

How was my day? Average, I guess.

Is been so long since someone asked be that question.

I shrug, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden rush of my thoughts.

I really don't know what to reply. Should I ask the same question to him? I'm I suppose to do that? Is it okay if I stay quiet and limit to stare at the sea?

"Yours?" I end up asking.

I'm nervous. Why?

He smiles lightly and giggles, giving me one of his earbuds.



I hate this chapter so much. I've been writing it for DAYS but it always turns out so bad.

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