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Chapter twelve: kitties

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Chapter twelve: kitties



There's no way that's true" Jisung says in-between munches on his hamburger.

I shrug.

"It is" I reply nonchalantly, putting a single french fry in my mouth, savouring the salty taste of it.

"Penguins aren't gay" he kept defending.

"I didn't say all penguins are gay, just some" Rolling my eyes I grab the ketchup packages, open one and pour the red liquid on the meat that my burger contains.

"Well, I don't believe it" he huffs with his chubby cheeks all full with food.

I shrug for the second time in less than three minutes.

We talk about some random things for some time, finishing our food quickly since we are very hungry. A young lady approach our table and, with a polite smile, informs both of us that the local is going to close soon, so we should get going.

I look at my phone and notice that it's 3am.

Time really flies.

When we get out of the building the cold breeze hits us, making the brunette shudder.

I don't really mind cold tho. Still, I feel bad for the younger and take his hand in mine, putting it inside the holes of my sweater.

His smile is back again.

"Thank you" he softly whispers, a white cloud of air flying out of his lips.

I look away mumbling a 'No problem'.

"What do you wanna do now?" I ask after some minutes of silence just us walking silently.

"I'd like to take a picture of you" he blurts out, and my ears are all red again, although I should really start getting use to this by now.

"What for?" My voice trembles a bit from the nerves, still he looks at me intensely with those doe eyes that hold the moon and the starts.

He shrugs.

"I like taking pictures" he simply answers.

"Then take pictures of the street or something like that" I offer.

Because him having a picture of me makes me nervous. I'm not pretty and there's nothing special about me.

"I don't want a picture of the street, I want a picture of you" he insists.

I feel how the hand that's holding his starts sweating.


"Why not?"

I sigh.

I know I will never win and that I should give up as soon as possible, still i cant help but feeling nervous.

Messing up my hair with my fingers out of anxiety I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Okay, but just one picture"

He jumps on his spot and I feel how his grip on my hand accentuates.

"Perfect! Thank you, Minho"

I sigh again and walk awkwardly in front of him, standing with my body rigid as he takes his little white phone out of his pocket.

"Minho you look like a robot...Smile! Do something funny!" he cheers happily looking at me through the camera of his mobile phone.

Something funny? I'm not funny at all.



I look down and my heart flutters when a pretty little fur ball appears in front of my eyes. It's color is as orange as the sunsets and it's black eyes stare at me with such a curiosity.

I unconsciously kneel, watching as the little cat comes slowly towards me, measuring it's steps. My fingers touch it's nose softly and he gently sniff it, still completely tense, ready to run if he needs to.

"You're such a pretty baby, aren't you?" I quietly talk once the animal rubs it's head against my hand, purring loudly making me smile a bit.


I look at my side and a second cat appears, rubbing it's soft head against my knee.

"Hello there, buddy"

"I've got the perfect picture! Thank you, Minho!" I hear Jisung squealing.

To be honest I have forgotten about the picture.

Still I'm curious, so I get up, leaving some pats on both animal heads, and approach Jisung, who's still looking at his phone screen.

My eyes catch the picture and I notice something uncommon in me.

My eyes are shining.


this chapter is so cute. I like how they're getting to know each other slowly, although there'll be some angst soon.

also the picture is something like this:

also the picture is something like this:

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