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Chapter five: Silence

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Chapter five: Silence


I can't sleep.

My eyelids are heavy and they fall on top of each other. Not even a second later they flutter open again.

Why? I don't know.

It's been like this for a while now, and I'm use to it.

My body trembles and I bite my lips. Exhaustion is getting the worst of me, being the reaseon why my hands are so cold and my mind is so tired. I don't have enough energy to heat my own body. It feels like im dying.

The night takes over my room, not a single sound being heard, and all the lights in my house are off. Everything is off, apart of my mind, everything is turned off.

A shiver runs down my spine and I shudder, looking at my open window. The breeze makes the blinders dance and tangle with themselves. They're holding each other, preventing the coldness to take away their warmth.

If the sun was here, everything would be different. I wouldn't be so alone, cold, and drained. The silence wouldn't be so loud, and my thoughts would not be killing me right now.

A shaky breath leaves my mouth once i get up from the matress, noticing how my legs aren't prepared to support the weight of my body. I force them either way, ending up standing wobbly, gripping tightly the wall, supporting myself with it.

The room is sipping. I need to get out. The oxygen that my lungs need it is not entering them, and my throat is getting smaller.

I go downstairs as I can, trying to take long breaths, minding that my feet won't trip.

Once I exit my house I acknowledge how my clothes are a mess, just as my hair, just as my face, just as myslef. My feet start hurting due to the fact that I haven't taken with me a pair of shoes.

Thank God my house is near the beach.

I need to take a grip of myself. This can't happen again. It can't...it simply can't. For the reason that I'm not able to cry, to let it all out. I just take it in, until this happens.

But, either way, I can't cry.

My bottom lip quivers as I sit on the cold sand. The sea is calm, and the beach is quiet, the only thing being heard is the murmur of the waves clashing and the wind whispering things in my ear.

"It's a bit too late to be here, don't you think?" I jump as I hear his voice.

He almost kills me.

As I feel my heartbeat banging in my ribcage due to the scare he gave me a few seconds ago, I look at him.

He takes a sit by my side.

I don't mind, really. I like his company.

"You're here too" I reply, trying hard to keep my eyes open, noticing how wobbly my voice is

"Fair enough" A short chuckle scapes his lips.

He has a pretty mouth. To be fair, he is very pretty.

The black jacket that he's wearing underlines the whitness of his glass skin.

"Today the sky is empty" he comments, a tiny pout painting his features.

"Mhm?" I'm not capable of forming any coherent phrases at this moment, so I limit myself to hum.

He understands what I tried to say, because he answers locking his brown orbs with my dark ones.

"There's no moon"



The moon it's not that important to me, but now that I look at the sky I feel the need to grab that hole of light and force it to shine as bright as they can. Because the night is realy empty, just as the brunette said.

I feel something warm suround my shoulders and I look alarmed at them, catching a piece of black fabric covering me.

I stare at the boy next to me, who's now dressed in a white t-shirt.

"You looked cold"

And I, indeed, was cold.

"Thank you" I whisper, griping the fabric tightly, wanting more warmness to take over my body.

"No problem"

I like this about him. He doesn't ask any quiestions, he doesn't judge, he doesn't force me to go to my house. He just doesn't, and i'm so glad, so overwhelmed with the love that I'm reciving.

I feel in peace and my body is heavier with every passing minute.

My eyes are closed and, as much as I try to open them, it's impossible. They're too weighty, and I don't have enough energy.

I tense up when I feel my head being pressed against something, a hand on my cheeks, warming it.

"Everything's fine, you can sleep for a while"

So soft. His voice is so soft. His skin is so smooth.

My mind finally goes silent.


idrk what to think of this chapter. I like it but, at the same time, I hate it.

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