chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"So.... you and killian?" Conner asked.

"Yeah. I don't know exactly what we are...but I like him a lot." Atticus smiled softly, avoiding eye contact.

"I see. Well, I'm glad that your happy. I guess." Conner said, his voice cracking slightly.

"Is something wrong?" Atticus asked, nervous he offended Conner.

"No...its... don't worry about it." Conner avoided the topic. "How have you been, Atticus?"

Atticus chuckled. "Fine, I can't say it's horrible? Not since I have been with killian at least. I was with meridian to start with, when I fell, I landed in the sand dunes, apparently, I could have gotten eaten there. Meredith saved me, enrolled me as a worker, actually. Then I got sold off to Aamon, he was nice for a while, but then he started acting weird, he announced me as his queen against my will, I might add. He then started trying to grope me, I ran, killian helped me, got me back up on my feet." Atticus said, out of breath.

"Wow...that's a lot." Conner said, not knowing how to respond. He knew his usual way of comforting Atticus would not work; Atticus didn't know him now. He normally made him feel better with a hug and sometimes a kiss.

"Yeah. It was." Atticus grinned. "what about you? What have you been doing?" Atticus asked.

"Um...I do really know. The other angels cast me out, they believed I made you leave, since I supported the things, you liked. I started drinking... that was also not taken well. After a while I came to the conclusion that I wanted to find you, I wanted to stop drinking, and I wanted to make sure you were safe, safe and happy. Luckily, it seems that you are." Atticus swallowed nervously. He felt bad, as if he had betrayed Conner.

"Did you, did you hope I was not okay?" Atticus asked.

"Do you want an honest answer?" Conner countered, fidgeting with his hands, shaking slightly.

"I do. Are you okay?" Atticus noticed the shaking, he glanced down worriedly, he didn't know why Conner might be shaking, but it would not be good if he were ill.

"I'm fine, this is a withdrawal symptom, from the alcohol?" Conner explained. "Selfish as it may be, I did hope you weren't okay, I had hoped that you weren't happy. I wanted to.... I wanted to save you, I wanted to be good again. I wanted to validate myself, I wanted you to validate me." Conner admitted.

"I guess you could say I wanted a lot of things, but I am glad that your happy." Atticus blushed softly, he felt a familiar stinging. He knew he was king to cry.

"I'm... I'm sorry." Atticus whispered.

"No, hey. Don't feel guilty, its not your fault. I told you; I was being selfish. Don't blame yourself for my feelings." Conner smiled tightly. "Could you pass the whiskey?" he asked.

"Of course." Atticus scrambled to pour him a glass, accidentally pouring too much.

"Damn. Atticus, that's... a lot. Pour that into three or four different cups." Conner grinned.

"Sure, sure." Atticus felt his ears twitch at the smell of the alcohol, not liking it.

He handed a glass to Conner.

"Try some, it won't hurt." Conner challenged Atticus.

"Oh, yeah, I believe you." Atticus rolled his eyes.

"Try it! You were not a lightweight in heaven!" Conner said. Though, he had rarely seen Atticus drink in heaven, he mostly made an assumption.

"Hmm. Whatever you say, I suppose." Atticus said, naïve to the lie. Atticus grabbed a glass and tipped it back, chugging it.

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