Girls Night In

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"Please remind me how we ended up babysitting you three?" Raquel asked as she set up the snack table. A few of the first girls from the team were having a girls night that had then been crashed by three of the newer girls.

"Well," Stephanie started, pulling her hair back with a purple hair tie. "We were on a team mission with Tim, but he got called in by the Bat. We got things wrapped up, but we were bored since we were gonna go the movies. And Babs made the mistake of telling us about this little shindig."

"Ok." Artemis started. "But why the Wendy's?"

"We've been out 6 hours!" Cissie answered. "We were hungry! Especially Cass. I'm convinced that her stomach is a black hole. She eats as much as Bart!"

The girl in question shrugged before munching on her frosty dipped fry.

"Hey, I want one!" Barbara grabbed on of Cass' fries. "And you owe me big time. A little fry won't hurt." Cass elbowed her. "Ow! You have to keep working on pulling your punches." Barbara rubbed her ribs.

"She's not very good at that." Stephanie grumbled.

"Still salty?" Cissie asked.

"'Still salty?' SHE BROKE MY JAW!"

"Did you deserve it?" Raquel asked.

Cass nodded. Steph stared at her. "I was trying to stop you from desecrating a grave!"

Cass smirked and put an "L" to her forehead.

"How does that make me a loser?! Someone remind me again why she's my best friend."

"Because, like you, she invites chaos?" Cissie suggested.

"That... is a fair point."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Artemis interrupted. "What's this about desecrating a grave?"

"It's a long story."

"You don't want to hear it." Cissie assured her.

"Don't f*ck with graves. I mean it." The older woman insisted. "Right, Zee?"

"Oh, yeah." Zatanna agreed. "When we were you guys' age, we found out the hard way."

"What happened?!" Cissie asked excitedly.

"Yeah, I haven't heard this one." Barbara agreed.

"Me either. Fess up!" Raquel grinned.

"Yeah, girls. C'mon!" Karen goaded.

"Okay, okay." Artemis laughed. "So we don't make a habit of telling this story because it sounds so fake, but I swear to god it's true."

"You're Buddhist, that swear means nothing." Megan teased. She'd heard the story the night it happened.

"Alright, Art and I swear on our mothers that it is true." Zatanna rephrased. "It was Halloween, 2011-"

"You guys are old," Stephanie observed. "I was, like, 7 in 2011."

"Shut up." Artemis told her. "Zee and I ditched the Halloween Party at Happy Harbor High for a girl's night cuz I was pissed about something or another. We went to New York to beat the shit out of some criminals. We were having a great time until our motorcycles suddenly blew up while we were walking back to them."

"Then this creepy guy named Harm who wouldn't stop talking in third person showed up." Zatanna continued the story.


"I can't believe you guys saw a ghost," Stephanie breathed.

"A real ghost." Cissie's eyes were wide.

"Time for the Exorcist!" Raquel grabbed the remote.

"ABSOLUTELY F*CKING NOT!" Stephanie snatched it out of her hands. "Let's watch something unrelated to the supernatural, like Jaws or something."

"How about The Shining? That was one of my favorites as a kid." Artemis smirked.

"Not after that story! And your parents let you watch The Shining?" Cissie objected.

"My parents let us watch anything when I was little. And I mean, anything. My dad caught Jade with porn once and just asked her if it was a good one. She was thirteen."

"That... explains so much." Raquel's eyes were wide. "I mean, SO much. Holy moly, so many questions I had about you when I first met you just got answered."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Let's maybe move on from Artemis' parents sketchy parenting," Zatanna interrupted, snuggling closer to the woman in question. "No ghost, spirit, or demon movies. We've all dealt with one or the other at some point."

"Spirit? Why can't we watch a movie about a horse?" Stephanie asked with mock innocence.

Cissie gasped. "We should watch Spirit!"

"That was my favorite for a while," Barbara admitted. 

Cass looked confused. 'What's that?'

Everyone looked at her in horror.

"You don't know what Spirit is?!" Raquel exclaimed. "We need to fix that. Right now. Zee, put it on. We have a vital childhood memory to make!"

'I'm not a-'

"Yes, you are. Be quiet and watch the movie."

Cass leaned over to Stephanie and Cissie. 'Did she actually just tell me to be quiet?'

"Yep." Stephanie nodded. "She sure did."

'If I could get louder, I would. Just because she said that.'

"Don't worry! I'll do it for you." Steph looked at the older women. "Cass says: I'M MUTE, DUMBASS!" She made sure to put her heart and soul into it, bellowing at the top of her lungs. Cass flinched, covering her ears at the volume. Stephanie rubbed her back, quickly signing 'sorry'. "Ok, now play the movie!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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