As the entities closed in on her, Lily saw something that gave her a glimmer of hope. As her vision blurred, she caught sight of a piece of paper, crumpled and faded, lying on the floor. She approached it, her heart racing, her mind desperate to process what she was seeing. The note was written in Emily's handwriting, and it was a warning, a plea for help that had been penned long before Lily's arrival. The ghost had been reaching out to her, trying to prevent the very situation they now found themselves in.

‎‎ ‎Lily read the message aloud, her voice shaking with emotion: "They're stronger in the dark. Once you light up, they won't attack you." The words resonated with a clarity that was both terrifying and enlightening. The ghost was communicating a critical piece of information, one that could potentially save her life. The entities were drawn to the dark, and by staying in the light, Lily could perhaps keep them at bay.
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‎‎ ‎Armed with this newfound knowledge, Lily felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins. She had to get out, to escape the attic and the entities that sought to harm her. She grabbed the flashlight, turning it on full blast, and began to back away, her eyes never leaving the entities that seemed to ooze out of the shadows, each one a twisted reflection of Emily's suffering.
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‎‎ ‎Lily's escape from the attic was a harrowing journey, with the entities pursuing her relentlessly, their voices a chilling cacophony of horror and despair. She made her way down the stairs, each step a challenge, the entities closing in behind her. She could feel their malice, their desire to claim her as their own. But she kept moving, her flashlight a beacon of hope in the face of unimaginable terror.

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