30(Final Chapter)

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The cold sweat dripped from Lily's forehead as she slowly stepped into the eerie house. The house had a terrible history, but Lily had no idea that she would become entangled in it. The walls were damp, and the paint was peeling off, revealing the old and rotten wood underneath. The house was a mess, and Lily could sense an unseen presence, but she brushed it off as her own imagination. She was moving in with her new friend Emily.

‎‎ ‎Emily had told Lily that the house was haunted, but Lily thought it was just a joke. She started unpacking her things, trying to ignore the creepy creaks and groans of the old house. As she was placing her clothes into the drawers, a chilling voice whispered, "Emily's coming for you." Lily's heart raced, and she quickly turned around, desperately looking for the source of the voice. There was nothing there.
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‎‎ ‎She shook it off, thinking it was just her imagination playing tricks on her. But as she continued to unpack, she noticed a journal on the shelf. The cover was old and leather-bound, and it seemed to glow slightly. Without thinking, she opened it, and a wave of chilling energy filled the room. The pages were filled with stories of a woman named Emily, who had been abused and tortured by her parents.
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‎‎ ‎Lily could feel the pain and fear that Emily had felt, and she shuddered at the thought of what had happened to her. The writing on the pages was in a shaky hand, and it read, "They always say I was a bad girl, but they never knew the truth." Lily closed the journal, feeling a mix of fear and sympathy. She didn't want to believe that Emily's spirit was haunting the house, but the evidence was undeniable. That night, Lily lay in bed, wide awake, and heard a loud banging coming from the basement. She hesitated, feeling a mix of fear and curiosity. She could feel the presence growing stronger, and she knew she had to confront it. Gathering her courage, Lily descended into the dark and damp basement, her flashlight illuminating the dismal surroundings. As she walked through the basement, she noticed that there were dismembered limbs and dissected corpses strewn around.

‎‎ ‎It was a disturbing sight, and Lily's stomach churned. She felt a chill run down her spine when she saw a large table with a corpse on it, its organs removed and placed around the room. The smell of decay filled the air, and Lily quickly covered her mouth to keep from vomiting. She couldn't shake the image of the dismembered limbs and dissected corpses out of her head.
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‎‎ ‎Lily's heart raced as she heard another banging sound, this time coming from a room she hadn't explored yet. With a deep breath, she ventured towards the sound, her flashlight guiding her through the darkness. She entered the room, and what she saw next would haunt her dreams for years to come. There were more dismembered limbs, but this time, they were attached to a living body.
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‎‎ ‎The person was alive, but barely, with their eyes rolled back and their mouth frozen in a silent scream. Lily felt a sudden coldness on her arm, and she looked down to see a bloody handprint. The hand was attached to the living person, who was now staring at her with a lifeless gaze. Lily screamed, and the hand let go, falling onto the floor with a sickening thud. Emily was bending backward, as if trying to scare her. She looked pale and lifeless, with a cut on her throat that was still bleeding. Lily felt a wave of nausea and took a step back, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her friend Emily was dead, and she was right here in the house, alive and moving.

‎‎ ‎Lily tried to process what was happening, but her mind was racing. She remembered Emily mentioning that she had been bullied at school, and she feared that she had taken her own life. Lily hadn't known the extent of the bullying until now. As she looked around the room, she saw more of Emily's writing on the walls, in the same shaky hand.
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‎‎ ‎The writing said, "They said I was bad, but they never knew the truth." Lily felt a mix of emotions - fear, sadness, and anger at the words. She didn't understand why Emily would say that or why she was here. She approached the corpse, trying to piece together what had happened.
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‎‎ ‎She noticed that Emily was wearing the same clothes she had seen her in the day before, and there was blood all over them. The bullying must have driven Emily to do this, Lily thought. But as she reached out to touch Emily, the body started to move, and the corpse rose, staring at Lily with those lifeless eyes. Lily screamed and stumbled backward, her heart racing. She had never felt so scared in her life. She tried to run, but the corpse was faster, chasing her through the house. Lily could hear Emily's voice behind her, taunting her. "Emily's coming for you," the voice whispered, echoing through the halls.

‎‎ ‎Lily's breath was heavy, and her legs felt like jelly as she tried to escape. She heard the banging from earlier, and she realized that it was Emily, trying to scare her. The presence in the house had taken the form of Emily's spirit, and it was tormenting Lily.
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‎‎ ‎Lily ran into the basement, the sound of the corpse's feet thundering behind her. She searched for an escape, but the basement was a maze of darkness and horror. She heard the corpse's hands scrape against the wall, and she knew that it was getting closer. She had to find a way out.
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‎‎ ‎The basement was filled with dismembered limbs and dissected corpses, and Lily felt as if she was in a nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. She stumbled upon a small door that led outside and quickly pulled it open, gasping for fresh air. She heard the corpse's feet hit the floor behind her, and she knew that she had to keep running.

Days later, Lily was reported missing, and the police searched the house. They found the journal on the shelf, open to the page with Emily's writing. The investigators were baffled by the scenes of dismembered limbs and dissected corpses in the basement. The house was a crime scene, and they had no leads on Lily's whereabouts.

‎‎ ‎Lily had never been found, and her friends and family were heartbroken. Some said that she had run away, while others believed she had been kidnapped. But the truth was much more chilling. Lily had been possessed by the entities that haunted the house, and she had become one of them.
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‎‎ ‎The haunting of the house continued, with stories of disembodied voices and apparitions of Emily's tortured spirit. The house became known as a place of evil, and it was said that anyone who entered would be tormented by the spirits that dwelled there. As for Emily, her story is one of a victim who sought justice and found none.
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‎‎ ‎Her spirit haunts the house, forever seeking the truth and vengeance that she never found in her lifetime. And as for Lily, her fate remains a mystery, lost within the walls of a house that has become a living, breathing entity of horror.

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