As Lily worked with the medium, they made a startling discovery. In the attic, among the clutter and the dust, they found the remains of a young girl. It was Emily, her body mangled and disfigured, a testament to the horrific abuse she had suffered. Lily, with tears streaming down her face, knew that this was the reason for the haunting, the spirit's plea for justice and closure.

‎‎ ‎The discovery of Emily's body parts filled Lily with a mixture of horror and determination. She knew that she had to do something, that she had to find a way to honor Emily's memory and to ensure that her story was told. With the medium's help, she began to plan a memorial service, a way to bring closure to Emily's life and to help her spirit find peace.
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‎‎ ‎The memorial service was a solemn event, attended by the townspeople who had once turned a blind eye to the abuse that had taken place. Lily, standing at the center of the gathering, felt a sense of purpose, a drive to ensure that Emily's story was heard and that her spirit could rest. She spoke of the love and the pain that Emily had experienced, of the injustice that had led to her untimely death.
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‎‎ ‎The townspeople, many of whom had been complicit in the abuse, listened with a mix of guilt and sorrow. They heard Lily's words, the truth of Emily's suffering, and they felt a deep sense of remorse. Emily's story had become their story, and they knew that they had to face the consequences of their actions. Lily's voice, powerful and clear, was the catalyst for change, for the recognition of the wrongs that had been done.

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