As the town grappled with the aftermath of the memorial service, Lily continued her work with the medium. They discovered that the haunting had taken a new form, one that was terrifying and unsettling. In the attic, where the spirit of Emily had been strongest, they found a gruesome sight: maggots crawling over the ghost of the young girl. It was a horrifying reminder of the neglect and abuse that had led to her tragic end.

‎‎ ‎Lily felt a deep sense of responsibility for the spirits that haunted the house. She knew that she had to find a way to communicate with them, to let them know that she understood their pain and their need for justice. The medium advised her to approach the spirits with a sense of calm and to allow them to share their stories without fear. Lily, with a determination that was palpable, resolved to do just that.
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‎‎ ‎Lily's sessions with the medium were becoming more frequent, each one a journey into the heart of the haunting. She learned to let go of her own fears and to focus on the spirits, to listen to their messages and to find a way to help them without causing harm to herself. The medium's guidance was invaluable, a beacon in the darkness of the spirit world that she was now navigating with increasing confidence.
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‎‎ ‎The townspeople, witnessing Lily's transformation, began to see her in a new light. They no longer saw her as a haunted soul but as a person who was working to heal the wounds of the past. Lily's dedication to the spirits had become their own, a shared mission to bring closure to the tragic story of Emily and her brother.

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