As Lily's work with the spirits continued, she felt a sense of urgency, a need to find a way to help them before the haunting escalated further. The medium advised her to stay focused, to remain in the light and to keep the spirits at bay. But one evening, as Lily sat in the attic, reading through Emily's diary, she felt a sudden, cold draft and the sensation of being pulled towards the dark.

‎‎ ‎Lily's heart raced as she felt the presence of the spirits drawing her closer, their voices a chilling whisper that seemed to echo through the attic. She tried to resist, to keep herself grounded in the light, but the pull was too strong, too powerful. The spirits, sensing her fear, seemed to increase their efforts, their presence growing more menacing with each passing moment.
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‎‎ ‎Lily's encounters with the spirits had become a test of her resolve and her courage. The medium's guidance was a lifeline, a source of strength that she clung to as she faced the shadows that threatened to consume her. She knew that she had to find a way to break the cycle of fear and despair that the spirits were caught in, but the darkness was relentless, a force that seemed intent on claiming her as its own.
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‎‎ ‎Lily's ordeal with the spirits had become a battle for her very soul. She felt the weight of their pain and their desperation, their need for her to understand and to help. With each encounter, she felt her strength waning, her resolve tested. She knew that she had to find a way to overcome the darkness, to break the cycle of haunting and to bring peace to the spirits that had been trapped in the house.

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