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This piece was written way back 2013. My first attempt at writing in English. Actually, my first attempt at writing anything na hindi essay.

First of 15 chapters, I eventually dropped it at hinayaang amagin somewhere sa mga notebook ko. Wala na kasing patutunguhan. Wasn't any good at it anyway. 


It has been so long since he felt anything close to excitement. If he is not on the field, he would rather sleep or fuck the day away. Although, even the fucking these days have been so-so that he would rather not bother at all.

"You're such a man-whore! I wouldn't be suprised if one day you'll be diagnosed with AIDS!" He remembered his older sister telling him that one night when she caught him with one of his ex-girlfriends doing some monkey business at their pool.

Sophia, his sister, was not supposed to be there that night. She was supposed to be sleeping over at a friend's house that's why he called his girlfriend over in the first place. How would he know that his sister's irritating forgetfulness would lead him to be sexually-frustrated that night?

She almost screamed the house down when she saw them. The poor ex-girlfriend, he cannot remember who exactly, put on her clothes on her way out. He remembered that he was torn between screaming back at his sister and roll over the floor laughing beside the pool. Laughter won out in the end and he ended up clutching his aching stomach. His booming guffaws intermittently broke the silence that followed after Sophia's screaming.

Sophia threw a towel over him to cover his nakedness. Disgust written all over her face. "Geez, Ty, have you no shame at all?! Doing it by the pool?"

"You and Stephen haven't tried it yet?," he teasingly replied. "Try it, Big Sis. It's the best." Sophia speared him with a ferocious glare. He went back to his chortling.

Hands on hips, she scowled down at his prone figure and said, "With the rate you're going, you'll be desentisized with sex before you hit 30. I don't know. If there really is justice in this world, the gods will curse you with impotence. You jerk. And who was that girl? That's not the one I saw two weeks ago!"

He was 16 then. Now, he's 20 and his sister's prediction seems to have come true. The gods did not exactly make him impotent but they surely made him disinterested in sex that it was practically over for him. It's not that he can no longer 'get it up' in bed. He still can but the pleasure is not that intense anymore. Maybe, Sophia was right in saying that one person could really get desentisized from sex overkill. He certainly did.

"Ty! What are you waiting for? The meeting with Coach will start in a few minutes. Quit mooning over Bernadette there and move your butt," Carly, his bestfriend and teammate called to him. With a deep sigh, he grabbed for the soccer ball and followed after his friend.

Sometimes, he wants to ask Carly if the other guy ever felt something like what he is feeling now. after all, they have almost the same approach to sex. Carly is just a bit more choosy with whom he touches. His friend usually goes for girls with the same age as they are or younger. While him, it's an open secret that he can be enticed to hook up with an older woman. He did hooked up with several of them a lot of times before.

Seriously, he cannot see the point in being choosy. Why do people sleep together? Isn't it for the pleasure and novelty of each sexual experience? Sure, a lot of people wrap up this fact with crap words like 'love' but beneath it all, the truth remains: People sleep together because it is pleasurable. And for him, if he slept with the same type of woman over and over and over again, he'll probably go insane out of boredom. How could he exprience something novel? So, he went after variety and quantity. If he sometimes get some quality, good, but it isn't a pre-requisite for him. With his experiences now, he would bet his Ducati that he could apply as a sex education teacher and get accepted through his kissing technique alone. He unconsciously grinned at that thought.

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