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One week later...

Dominique, with a plastic bag of KFC take-out in hand, speedwalked to Kim's dormitory. The other girl has been on bed rest the whole day because of the flu. That morning, Kenneth came to bring food and medicine. Tonight, it is her turn.

Her whole mind is occupied with getting to the VetMed Residence Halls as fast as she can that she did not noticed the couple walking towards her. She was woken up from her reverie when she suddenly bumped into one of them.

The force of the impact was so strong that it almost toppled her over if not for the strong hands that steadied her. When she raised her eyes towards the face of the owner of the hands, she was taken aback to look into the grayish eyes of Ty Ordoñez.

Her 'thank you' got lodged in her throat. This is the first time after more than a month that they have seen each other. And they did not exactly part in good terms.

Looking at him now, it seemed that the guy forgot all about her with the way his blank eyes is looking at her. It is hysterically funny to see especially when he has unknowingly starred in several of her unsupervised mind wanderings.

The guy let go of her when she was firmly stable on her own. That gave her the time and enough wits to glance at his companion and she was surprised again to find Rosalie with him.

Rosalie is one of the many student assistants assigned at her department building – the BioSci building. She is also one of the SAs who are assigned to her course advisor and the one she is closest to. In fact, she is her partner-in-crime in trying to romantically set-up and bully her advisor away from his impending bachelorhood.

She does not know what Ty's gameplan is but he has no business dating Rosalie when the cad obviously does not deserve someone as good as the girl. Surrendering to the urge, she secretly threw a dirty and scolding look at him. She noticed a slight glint to enter the guy's eyes and a slight arch in his eyebrow before he rearranged his face back to his blank face. The changes were so subtle. If she was not watching his face closely, she would have missed it.

"Dom! It's so nice to see you again," Rosalie greeted, taking her attention away from Ty. The other girl sounded so pleased. She can't find the heart not to return a smile. "Where are you going? You look like you're in a terrible rush."

She gestured towards the direction of Kim's dormitory. "Kim is sick. I'm bringing her medicine and food."

Rosalie is not strikingly beautiful like the women Ty usually go out with but she has a very nice smile that could light up a room. That same smile would make you try to bend backwards making her keep it. That maybe is one of the reasons why a lot of the girl's male batchmates fight over themselves to have the honor of walking her towards her classrooms.

Still, it doesn't reason out that Ty walk with her. Aside from it does not look right, it isn't great for Rosalie's emotional health. Someone should have slapped a restraining order on Ty to stay at least 50 yards away from nice girls like Rosalie.

"I heard at the office that Kim was absent in her classes today," she heard Rosalie say in a worried tone. "I heard her call her advisor earlier today and from the sound of it, she does not really feel good. Is she okay? Does she need to be taken to the infirmary?"

She was shaking her head at what Rosalie is saying. Kim only has the flu and not dying. Of course, the drama queen would certainly try to milk her situation to gain sympathy. Kim can't help it. Her friend certainly missed her calling. She should have enrolled in drama class and aspire to become an actress with the way she reacts to things.

"Don't worry, Rose. She just needs rest and food. Just see, tomorrow, she'll be as good as new."

"If you say so," Rosalie said doubtfully.

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