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Ty slowly woke up, blinking, trying to erase the cobwebs of sleep from his mind. When his head cleared enough, he became aware of the intimate position he is in. Sometime in the middle of the night, Dominique grabbed the dividing pillow between them and curled around it on her other side. He ended up curled around her, too.

He instantly drew back away from her as if she was on fire, and gently dropped on his back on the bed. He carelessly slung an arm across his face covering his eyes.

Last night played on replay inside Ty's head despite his best efforts to arrest them. When the scene got to his unscheduled shower in the middle of the night before he came crawling his way into Dominique's bed, he just scrubbed his face with one hand in equal parts frustration, shame and disbelief.

'This is fucking crazy! Why the hell did I ever end up in all this? Am I this freaking bored? Reduced to losing my freaking mind to a semi-puritan?!,' he ended that self-lament with a death glare at the back of the woman who is unaware of anything and is still sleeping like a baby on her side of the bed.

Carefully, he got off the bed, making sure not to jostle the bed and disturb the sleeping woman. When he was safely on his feet, he perused Dominique's naked back, from the middle of her back up to her nape. His perusal brought his sleeping hormones back to life. He had to shake his head at himself.

'She really isn't your kind of girl. A different breed and species,' Ty reminded himself. She is the anti-thesis of everything that attracts him to the opposite sex. To borrow her descriptions, he likes tall, voluptuous, and beautiful women -- characteristics she, as clearly as the sun, is certainly lacking. She even keeps on telling him that. Why is it then that just looking at her arouses him?

Dominique moved in her sleep and stopped curling around the pillow she was hugging. She had lain on her back again with the blanket all twisted that it barely covered her chest. The valley and the upper portion of her breasts are peeking from the edge of that piece of cloth -- tempting him. As if under a spell, he leaned down to place a soft kiss on those peeking and tempting skin.

When he glanced up and met her opened and sleepy eyes, he immediately straightened up. When she blinked at him several times, removing the cobwebs of sleep from her mind, he breathed easier. At least, she is still unaware that she is bringing out the pervert in him.

"I'm going out to buy breakfast. I think Jollibee is the only place around here that is open this early. What would you want to have?," he asked her to partially mask the awkwardness he feels.

The woman snuggled once into the pillow they shared last night before facing him with a frown.

"Will it really hurt you if I insist on paying for breakfast?," she inquired.

"I will say it again, I can afford to feed you," he insisted. "Besides, if I did not insist that you come with me this weekend, you won't be here spending any money on anything."

She gave out a little sigh before replying with her breakfast order. He left her snuggling into the pillow again. How stupid is it to feel jealous of an inanimate object like say a pillow? Laughable if not outright idiotic!

'Man, you're buying into this fantasy weekend. Real world will burst this bubble and everything will return to what it was once before. Just see.'

Sometimes, the logical mind can be so mean and the body can go insane when it's not getting what it wants. At times like this, a headbang against the wall looks sensible.


Dominique heaved a huge sigh of relief when the bathroom door swallowed Ty's back. Now that her consciousness is slowly rising from her sleep, last night's events came crashing back.

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