Chapter 9

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Mark, Bob and Wade spend hours putting a plan together, working tirelessly to make it better than the last time. "Do you think we can get rid of him for good this time?" Wade asks. "I don't know, man.. I hope so, I don't want to see Amy hurt." Mark replies, sighing. "I think we can do it this time, Mark." Bob says, putting a hand on Marks shoulder. "Besides, Dark is a part of you, his weaknesses should be the same as yours." Mark looks at Bob worriedly, "You would think so but he has Amy and she's important to me. He knows that. With my visions... I'm not convinced he can't hurt her.." Mark looks down as tears fill his eyes. Bob and Wade envelope Mark in a hug. "We're here with you, Mark. Don't forget that. We'll always have your back." Wade comforts.


Amy's in a deep sleep, dreaming. She looks around the room, it's the same room Dark placed her in. She can hear Mark calling out to her, she tries to yell back but no sound will come out. She frantically searches for some sort of exit in the room. The lights go out and she can hear footsteps getting closer. She continues searching, trying to be faster than before. There's a small sliver of light in the corner of the room by the bed. She shoves the bedside table out of the way and pulls as hard as she can on the flooring and the wallpaper until it's pulled back enough for her to get through. She sticks her legs through the opening and slides through. She can hear Mark clearer now, she runs towards his voice. She finds where the voice is coming from, an old radio is playing his voice on repeat. Amy collapses and begins to sob. Dark walks up and chuckles grimly. "I was really hoping your dreams would lead me to him, but you're useless. I'll have to wait for him to come for you." Dark says, snapping his fingers.

Amy wakes up, gasping for air in between fettered sobs. Whoosh. Dark appears. "I asked you to do one, simple, little thing for me." Dark growls, grabbing Amy by her throat. "No, please!" She cries, clawing at his hand. "No, please-" Dark mocks her, "Do you really think that I feel bad for you?" He asks, putting more pressure on her throat. Dark feels a pang in his chest, as if his heart is breaking. He drops Amy instantly, keeping his composure. "Mark will undoubtedly come for you, and when he does, I will deal with him. I'll have to keep you alive until then." He patronizes, groaning in disgust. "You don't have to keep me alive! Kill me," Amy yells, "Kill me... if it means he can live..." She begs. Dark looks at her superciliously. "Pathetic." He says, before disappearing again.


'Why don't I want to hurt her? What's wrong with me?' Dark thinks to himself. He sits down in his office chair, flipping a coin between his fingers. "This should be easy for me, why can't I do it? This has never happened before!" Dark yells, throwing the coin. He sighs and rests his head in his hands. "What does it mean...?"


Mark loads some equipment into his car hoping Dark has Amy in the same place as before. Bob and Wade call their wives and explain the situation before grabbing the rest of the equipment. The trio head off to the one place they'd hoped they'd never have to be again.

Darks Lair.

They pull up to the decrepit house and look between each other worriedly. "I'll go in first, you guys remember the signal, right?" Mark asks, "As soon as I give the signal, turn everything on. It'll have to be full power to weaken him and trap him." Bob and Wade nod, the three step out of the car and get into position. Mark heads to the front door. He takes a deep breath as the door opens before him.


Amy lies on her bed, curled into a ball and sobbing. 'I wish this wasn't happening' 'It'd have been easier had you just helped me in the first place' "God! Can't you just leave me ALONE!" She yells, throwing the lamp from the bedside table to the floor. She sobs loudly as Dark appears and rushes her. "Who are you to destroy my belongings?" He hisses, pinning her to the bed. "None of this is even real! It can't be real, there's no door out of this room!" She yells hysterically. "Oh, my sweet, sweet Amy. It is real, it's as real as you or I." Dark says sinisterly, "You'll never leave here as long as I never have Mark. Give him up and you can go." Amy stares sadly at Dark. "You're sad, you know that? If you kill him, it's likely that you go too." Amy says, staring intently into Darks eyes, "Is that what you want?" Dark stares at Amy for a moment before bringing his hand to his chin. 'Maybe she's right... I can't take that chance.' He looks back at Amy, "Fine, maybe I won't kill him. But you'll never see him again." He says as he leaves.



I know it's been a HOT minute guys, I ran into a little block but I'm back now and plan on finishing this soon. It won't be as cool as I was initially planning for but it'll be finished. Thanks for reading!


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