Chapter 12

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"What?"  Bob, Wade and Dark say in unison. Mark lets out a heavy breath. "I said, take me." Mark says, his voice filled with anger and heartbreak. "Mark-" Bob and Wade say in unison, looking back and forth between each other and Mark. "Don't," Mark starts, picking himself up from the floor, "I've made my mind up. It's me you want... So, it's me you'll get." Dark stares in slight confusion before putting his hand on Mark's shoulder. Whoosh. Bob and Wade look at each other, confused and sad. "What do we do? He's gone, we've no way to get to them now." Wade says, hoping that Bob has any kind of suggestion. "Well, we could keep searching, we'll find the room eventually. It has to be here, he couldn't have attached it elsewhere if we made it in here." Bob says, putting on a fake smile. The two walk towards the chest, being extremely careful about opening it. They ready themselves and heave the lid open. "Amy?!"


Mark's bound to a chair. He looks around the room, hoping his friends will find him. Hoping they'll find Amy. Dark paces the room in front of Mark. Mumbling to himself. "Do you know how long I've waited for this?" Dark growls, turning to face Mark. The two make eye contact. Chocolate brown eyes staring into black, abysmal eyes. Mark isn't afraid of Dark but, that doesn't mean whatever Dark does won't hurt. Dark steps towards Mark, grinning creepily. "Well, do you?" Dark says, bending down to Mark's level. Mark stares for a moment, contemplating a response. "Dark, I know you've waited for this exact moment- dreamt of it but, I only have one question before you do anything to me." Mark says, sliding a pocket knife out from his back pocket. "Oh? And what's that, Mark?" Dark says curiously, bringing a hand to his chin and scratching it lightly. Mark clears his throat as he begins to cut the ties on his arms, "Where is Amy?" He says, looking Dark deep in his eyes. Dark's smile drops slightly, "Mark, does that really matter right now?" He says, turning around and walking to a desk behind him. "It's the only thing that matters right now!" Mark yells, wrapping his hand around the piece of rope that he's cut through. He notices a decent amount of weight to it, he can't cut the rest if he's holding it but if he lets go, Dark will know he cut it. There's a slight whimper from behind Mark, Dark looks up and smiles sinisterly. "What is that?" Mark says, suddenly realizing the situation. Dark chuckles, "Well, I had to reunite you with your love. You know, before I take your life." Dark laughs as he pushes a button and rotates Mark's chair to face Amy. He gasps, tightening his grip on the rope. "It's gonna be okay, Ame's. Please don't cry, I will get you out of here." Mark says, trying his best to comfort her, considering her life is quite literally in his hands now. "Oh, you can let that rope go. She won't fall to her death or anything." Dark pulls the rope from Marks hand and tosses it to the floor. Mark watches in horror as Amy begins to fall through a trap door in the floor. As Mark starts to cry, Dark places a hand on his shoulder, "Look, she's fine. Quit blubbering." Dark extends a hand towards the hole in the floor and Amy reaches up and grabs it, seemingly floating from the hole. She looks... different somehow. Amy chuckles darkly, "He-hey, M-Mark." She smiles. "What have you done to Amy?!" Mark questions, becoming enraged. "Mark, she's right here! Can't you see her?" Dark says, laughing heartily. The dark version of Amy walks towards Mark, "Aw, someone loves me." She titters, brushing hair out of Mark's face and caressing his cheek. She rolls her eyes and shoves his face to the side, turning and walking back over to Dark, who is now sitting, and placing her hands on his shoulders. "How did you even do this? Why did you even do this?" Mark asks. "Well, you get everything, Mark. I just wanted to have what you have and now, with her by my side, we can replace you and your little girlfriend... Well, almost." Dark states, reaching up and taking the other Amy's hand, "We can rule the world together and keep you and Amy out of the real world, we'll be able to live in the real world instead of in your shadow, behind closed doors in the back of your mind." He continues, standing up and walking over to Mark. "What do you call her?" Mark asks, staring at Amy's alter with sadness and curiosity. 


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