Chapter 2

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'What am I doing?!' Mark thought to himself, 'We barely know each other!' He unlocked his car, climbed in, started it and left. A few minutes later pulling into his own driveway. He climbed out of the car and went into his house and started to finish packing. He checked the time on his phone. 5:30 p.m. "Wow." He thought aloud, "I spent most of the day at Amy's." He zipped up his bag and set it by his bedroom door. He changed into his pajamas and flung himself onto his bed burrowing into his blanket and falling asleep instantly. 

He dreamt that he was at Vid-Con with Amy and he was looking around for his friends when he heard her whisper his name. He turned around to look at her but she was nowhere to be seen. He looked around for her, everywhere he turned he heard her voice calling his name. He felt something intertwine with his fingers, looking down and seeing the hand in his own, he slowly looked up the arm connected to the hand. He was face to face with Amy, she had the same smile on her face that she had when he was at her house. She squeezed his hand and raising her free hand, pointed to something and in a low whisper said "Look." He turned and before he could see what she'd pointed at he woke up.

He glanced over at the window, the sun was out. He scrambled out of bed and quickly changed into something decent. He ran to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and combed his hair. He ran back to his room and grabbed his phone, his charger and his bag. He got to the living room and grabbed his keys from the table and ran out the door locking it behind him and ran to his car, he climbed in, started it and drove to Amy's. "I'm almost late!" He thought out loud. 

A few minutes later, he pulled into Amy's driveway and ran up to her door. He knocked frantically and she opened the door grabbed her bag and said "I thought you'd never show up." She locked the door and he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down to the car. "We have to hurry!" He said opening her door for her, she climbs in quickly and he shuts her door and runs to the trunk, shoves her bag in and shuts the trunk. He runs to the drivers side and climbs in and drives quickly to the airport. 

They arrive at the airport and they climb out and grab their bags and run to the station they need to be at, barely making it in time. They almost missed their flight. They put their luggage into the compartments and got themselves situated. After a while they had stopped sweating and weren't breathing heavily anymore. Amy looked at Mark, he looked at her and smiled and looked away. "I'm sorry I had to rush you." He said. She smiled and turned his face towards her, "It's okay, if you hadn't we'd be driving there." She dropped her hand onto the armrest.

He glanced at her hand, he wanted to hold it so bad. Amy looked at him out of the corner of her eye, she saw him looking at her hand, she adjusted herself and left her hand on the rest, hoping he'd grab it. Mark looked at her and saw she was looking, he smiled nervously. "What time is it?" He asked. She checked her phone, "12:30 p.m." She answered looking in his eyes then looking away. "I'm really excited." She said grinning. "I remember going my first time." He said, chuckling. "How was it?" Amy asked, smiling. "Well, I was nervous and excited, mind you I was still a little YouTuber, you know with under 300,000 subscribers. Nobody knew who I was but a few people. It was great getting noticed but at the same time it was scary." He said, grinning at her. "It still sounds fun. Even with the fangirls and such." Amy said as she laughed. "Yeah, if I lose you in the crowd, I'm sorry." He said, dramatically flipping his hair and running his fingers through it, looking back at her cheekily. "Don't worry, I'll find you." Amy whispers, smiling and patting his arm. 'She didn't move her hand.' Mark thought. He looked at her and they both smiled. It'd be hours before they got to Vid-Con. "We should rest." Mark and Amy said in unison. They laughed and got themselves comfortable and fell asleep.

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