Chapter 11

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Whoosh. "Here we go again. Dark, can you just let me mourn in PEACE?!" Amy yells, not even turning to face the man that just entered the room. "How pathetic. Do you really think I care about your feelings? It's so... sad. Just look at you." Dark sneers, chuckling darkly. He walks around the bed and bends down to look at Amy. She averts her eyes, refusing to give Dark the satisfaction. Dark grabs the covers, throwing them across the room. Amy sits up frantically, scooting across the bed until she hits the floor. Whoosh. Dark grabs her by the throat and covers her nose and mouth with a rag. The room goes black.

Amy's eyes shoot open. She's bound to the same bed, in the same room she was in when she first got here. Her mouth is covered with tape. Panic sets in. She's searching the room for any sign of an entrance or a window. Nothing. She starts to cry. 'What's happening? Dark was being nice..' Whoosh. "Ah, you're awake. Good." Dark says, walking around to the right side of the bed. Amy stares at Dark, pleading with her eyes between fettered sobs. "Now, Amy, you didn't think I'd be nice forever, did you?" Dark chuckles and runs a finger along her cheek. She sobs and closes her eyes, bracing herself for the end. 


Mark, Bob and Wade slowly walk through the main part of the lair. Each making a mental note of their surroundings. Mark walks towards the only other door in the room, he turns to his friends. They're staring at a small tv on the desk. Mark makes his way over to them curiously. The two turn and look at Mark worriedly. "What is it?" Mark asks cautiously, afraid to even look at the screen. They split slowly, watching Mark with concern. Mark looks at the small screen, he sees Amy strapped to a bed... Just like in his dream. He gasps softly, bringing a hand to his mouth as tears sting the corners of his eyes. Bob and Wade both place a hand on either shoulder to remind him that he's not alone. "Mark, we still have time. Don't break now, she needs you." Bob says, trying his best to comfort Mark. Mark nods slowly and clears his throat, "Let's get this son of a bitch." Mark says plainly, turning swiftly and walking back to the door. Bob and Wade follow Mark, both keeping a close eye on him, just in case.

There are three doors in this hallway, one on either side of the hallway and one at the end of the hall. Mark stops the group in the middle of the hallway, "Wade take the right, Bob stay here and keep watch. I'll search the left room." Bob and Wade both nod, Bob stands with his back to the wall so he's able to see both ends of the hallway. Wade heads into the door on the right side of the hallway, Mark slowly begins to enter the left side. He shines his flashlight around in the dimly lit room. Making sure to check everything for any sign of Amy. Just as he's about to walk back out into the hallway he smells something. Amy's perfume. He stops dead in his tracks. Turning back around and scanning the room once more. He sees nothing out of the ordinary. Sighing, he steps back into the hallway. 

Wade found nothing in the room he searched, Bob had nothing to report. Mark takes the lead once again, leading the group to the door at the end of the hallway. He doesn't tell the other two about smelling Amy's perfume, he chalks it up to hopefulness. Mark pushes the door at the end of the hall open slowly, scanning the room as he does so. The room is clean with a large bed and one door leading into a bathroom. The covers from the bed are on the floor. A broken lamp lays near the pile of blankets, glass shards are scattered around the room. Signs of a struggle. The trio split up and search different parts of the room. There's a leather chest at the end of the bed, it's placed on top of a corner of the blanket. 'It must have been placed here recently.' Mark thinks to himself. 'You would be correct, Mark. How observant.' Darks voice rings through Marks head. "You mother fucker! What have you done with Amy?!" Mark yells, startling Bob and Wade. "Dude, are you okay? We're gonna find her!" Wade tries his best to comfort Mark. Mark breaks, collapsing to the floor sobbing. Laughter breaks through the room. Whoosh. Dark struts up to Mark. Wade takes a step back, readying himself. Bob steadies himself and gets one of his weapons ready. Mark slowly looks up at Dark, "Just take me..." Mark says, defeated. 

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