Chapter 14

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"This is a long story but I'll try to make it as short as possible. Okay?" Celine starts. "Amy, do you remember Mark's short film 'DAMIEN' and filming 'Who Killed Markiplier'?" Bob asks. "Of course I do!" Amy responds, "Is that... what's happening here?" Bob and Wade look at each other, then back to Amy and nod. Confusion washes over Celine's face. Whoosh.  The boys are back. "Hi guys!" Amy says happily. Tyler, Ethan and Seàn look around the room in amazement. "Hey, Dar- Damien... Sorry.."  Wade starts, looking to the floor in embarrassment. "It's alright, Wade. You can call me either one." Damien states, perturbed but trying to hide it with a smile. "No, Damien... Dealing with Actor Mark has been a lot on you and he's pinned you as the villain in his story. You deserve better." Mark says, smiling warmly at Damien. Damien feels a tug at his heart and tears begin to prick the corners of his eyes. "Thank you, Mark... You don't know how good that actually makes me feel.." Damien smiles at Mark as he pulls a red handkerchief from his breast pocket and dabs his eyes. Mark pulls Damien in for a hug. Celine clears her throat and looks at Amy, "Hey, Amy, could I borrow you for a moment?" Amy looks at Celine with a smile, "Of course!" Celine leads Amy to a bathroom in the hallway. "What's up, Celine?" Amy asks. "I want to make this body feel more like.." She pauses for a moment as she looks in the mirror. Celine sees herself, just as she used to be in life. Amy stares at her double, confused. Amy turns her gaze to the mirror and sees Celine, she gasps lightly. "Amy, do I look like me or do I look like you?" Celine looks at Amy in the mirror, "Outside of the mirror you look like me. How do we get you out here?" Celine turns her eyes back to herself. She reaches a hand up towards the mirror, mere centimeters from touching the mirror. She stops and pulls back. "I don't know, Ame's... I won't lie, I'm afraid to touch the mirror. I don't know what it'll do to you." Amy smiles, "It's okay, Celine. Try it." Celine looks herself in the eyes, she takes a deep breath and touches her reflection. The lights flicker for a few seconds and when they come back on Celine turns to face Amy, "How about now?" A grin stretches across Amy's face. "Come on!" Amy says excitedly, grabbing Celine's wrist and pulling her back into the office. "Guys, look!" Everyone turns and looks at the two, shock fills their faces. "Ah, there you are, Celine!" Damien says, hugging his sister close. Celine looks over her shoulder at Amy, who's still grinning from ear to ear. "It's good to be back, this body feels like mine now." Celine says, smiling at the group, "Are we ready to go into the void?" Everyone nods and gathers their things. 


Disco music is playing and the colors are very vibrant. The smell of sweat, alcohol and... Bubblegum? The group slowly pushes through the crowd to the stage. There's a bar to the right of the group and a massive dance floor taking up the rest of the room, a few booths off to the left. The group finally makes it to the stage, there's a group of dancers on the stage. It seems like everyone in the room is unphased by the new additions to the crowd. Damien and Celine head to the right and the rest of the group follows suit. Not wanting to be left behind in case they need to teleport again. "Wil-Wilford!" Damien yells, taking off towards a staircase behind the bar. A man in a cliche detective getup turns around and stops the group, "Excuse me, you can't go up there. It's VIP only." The man states stone-faced. "Abe?" Damien questions, leaning forward slightly to study his face. "Yes? How do you know my name?" Abe asks, staring down at Damien intently. "Abe, it's me, Damien.. You remember me, don't you?" Damien questions, hoping he remembers. "Dam-Damien! It's been so long! Since..." Abe starts, "I know, I know! We need to catch up to Wilford, we need his help! Can't you let us up? For old-times sake?" Damien begs, smiling at Abe. "Let's go, I'll lead you up." Abe says, turning on his heel and guiding the group upstairs. 

Abe leads the group into a private room. Pink curtains cover the walls, white marbled tiles line the floor with a few pink fluffy rugs scattered around. A cream colored sofa with fluffy pink throw pillows sits parallel to the group, a pink ottoman sits in front and slightly to the left of the sofa. The group walks in, taking in the very pink room. Wilford sits in a fluffy pink bowl chair, a gun in his hand and a martini in the other. "Wilford, it's good to see you, old friend!" Damien says, arms outstretched. Wilford stares into space, like he doesn't realize the group has just walked in. Damien glances back at the group for a moment, then turns his gaze back to Wilford, clearing his throat. "Wilford?" Wilford coughs, his afro falls off and rolls across the floor. "Huh- WHAT?! Damien! Damien? Damien!" Wilford stands up, appears next to Damien and throws his arms around him. Not a drop of his martini spilled. He gasps when his eyes fall on Celine. "Oh, Celine... My darling. I'm so, so sorry. How've you guys been? It's been so long, have you seen Mark?" Wilford eyes fall upon Mark, "You." He starts towards Mark but Damien stops him. Wilford looks at Damien confused, "What are you doing?! He started this!" Damien sighs, "Wilford, we need to talk about all of this. That's not the Mark we're looking for... apparently." Damien eyes Mark for a moment before guiding Wilford over to the sofa. Damien runs through the events of the last few days, Wilford looks a little lost but understands in the end. "Forgive me, friend. You just look so much like him..." Wilford says apologetically. "It's alright, I understand." Mark comforts.

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