☾︎ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 28 ☽︎

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Jisung and Minho boarded the plane, taking their seats next to each other. The younger had never flown by plane before so he was startled by the plane shaking.

Minho noticed the younger's unease and took his hand, rubbing his thumb against it from time to time.

Jisung's muscles physically relaxed as he buckled up his seat belt once the lights came on.

They experienced slight turbulence but were soon off to who knows where.

✈︎ ✈︎ ✈︎

The younger woke up to a slight nudge on his shoulder. "We're almost there" Minho said, excitement lacing his expression.

Jisung smiled tiredly at him looking outside the window when something knocked him on the head.

He looked up to see a piece of plastics with strings dangling from the ceiling of the plane. "Oxygen masks" Minho said noticing Jisung's confusion.

"We're landing"

✈︎ ✈︎ ✈︎

They stood at another airport. People were speaking a different language. It was not English for sure, if it were the younger would have been able to pick a few words here and there.

The letter system was different as well. Not Korean. Not English. The boy couldn't understand.

"Welcome to Japan!" Minho announcing turning around with his hands spread out. "It feels good to be back"

"Yeah. I guess it does"

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