☾︎ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 34 ☽︎

25 5 1

Bags unpacked.

The younger had taken the chance to take a very very prolonged shower.

The hot water had calmed his muscles, making it easier for him to fall asleep.

But one thing kept him from doing so— Loneliness.

He stared at the ceiling, left alone with the silence. His thoughts were interrupted by a jiggle of the door handle.;He shot up in bed.


The said person walked over to the bed, a nervous smile on his face as they looked at each other.

The younger patted the space next to him. He still wanted some TLC.

The older crawled into the space made for him my the younger, setting in as well as wrapping his hands around him.

The younger, feeling comforted, wrapped his own hands around Minho, sleep tugging at his eyelids.

It wasn't so bad to sleep before dinner, especially with Minho in his arms.

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