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3rd Person POV:

Elena doesn't know where exactly she's driving to, she's unfamiliar with the area and has no clue where Abby might have taken Bonnie so she calls up Damon for help.

"Missing me already?" he asks as a way of greeting as he picks up the phone.

"Damon! Abby took Bonnie and her pseudo step-son Jamie was compelled to try and hold me hostage, I got away but I don't know where Bonnie is, didn't you say you had Sherif Forbes track my phone the other night? Could you get her to do the same thing for Bonnie's?"

"Whoa whoa Elena, slow down, where are you right now?" Damon asks.

"I took an old car and I'm trying to chase after them but I'm at least 15 minutes behind... I don't know where I'm going, I need you to get Liz to track her phone," she explains.

"No, pull over, Elena," Damon tells her.

"What? No, this is Bonnie, Damon, I have to do something," Elena argues.

"Dammit Elena, pull over. Okay look, I will get Bonnie's location and I will rescue her but I need you to pull over," he tells her.

"No, you're at least 4 hours away, I'm right here just get me the address," she argues.

"Not happening," he tells her, "I will vamp speed all the way there if I have to but you are going to listen for once in your life and sit this one out!" he shouts at her before hanging up not letting her get another word in.

Elena tried to keep driving but only managed to get herself lost.

Finally, she had to admit defeat and turn around.

Thankfully she managed to make it back to Abby's house.

She went to the barn first to check on Stefan but didn't find him. Despite how angry she still was at him she was relieved not to find him there dead.

Meanwhile in somewhere that looks like the middle of nowhere:

One of Klaus' hybrids, Daniel, is talking with Abby.

After some back and forth Abby retrieves Bonnie from the car.

"What did you do to me?" Bonnie asks.

"You'll be fine, but don't try any spells. Those herbs I used muted your magic," Abby explains.

"Where's Elena?" Bonnie asks once she looks around and doesn't see her friend.

"She'll be fine too but Bonnie, listen to me. I need your help. I need you to tell me where those coffins are."

"Why?" Bonnie asks confused.

"Because if you don't, that man compelled Jamie to kill himself," Abby explains.

"I can't, this goes beyond you and me," Bonnie tells her.

"All you need to do, is tell me where they are. Then we'll have held up our end of the bargain. Bonnie, please," Abby says while discreetly showing Bonnie her phone where she managed to type a message that read- warn your friends.

Back in Mystic Falls

Damon skipped going to Sheriff Forbes for help and instead went straight to who he assumed to be behind Bonnie's kidnapping, Klaus.

He found him at the Old Witch House.

The dead witches revealed to him the hidden coffins of his family but Damon delighted in revealing he had stolen one away, and that gave him leverage.

And with that bit of leverage, he secured Bonnie's release.

Bonnie reached out to Elena immediately once Daniel let her and Abby go and met her back at Abby's house.

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