So Long Charlie Brown

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Back in Mystic Falls Rebekah got Alaric to retrieve the hidden stake in the caves and immediately destroyed it not trusting "Klaus" not to have something devious up "his" sleeve.

She wasn't 100% sure her mother was inhabiting her brother... it was weird to even consider, but Esther wasn't the type to just lay down and die.

So until she knew for sure either way she decided not to take any chances.

Unfortunately, Rebekah didn't share her concerns with anyone else and Damon stopped by Klaus' on the way to Matt's funeral and dropped off two bags full of Kol and the one last remaining piece of white oak.

Elena was only home long enough to shower and change and then she was off to meet Caroline at the church to help her set up.

"Oh, thank god, you're all right," Caroline says bringing Elena into a hug as soon as she sees her.

"Yeah, I'm okay just still in shock, I think," Elena says.

"Here, help me set these out," Caroline says passing her some programs she had printed out.

Elena takes them and starts setting them down on people's seats as Caroline fills her in on what she missed when she was away.

Mainly how Tyler found a drawing Klaus had done for her and got really pissy and ran off.

"So he just took off?" Elena asks.

"I mean it's not my fault Klaus can draw, plus it's not just me in the picture, excuse me for liking horses," Caroline complains.

"Care," Elena says sorta calling her on her bullshit.

"I know, I know I shouldn't have kept it, but..."

"But what?" Elena asks.

"I know it's silly but I'm not you Elena, a new guy coming into town and falling for me in an instant isn't something that happens... I know he's bad but is it so wrong to be flattered with the attention?" she asks.

Elena sighs somewhat understanding, "It's not bad to want to feel special, Caroline, but what is it that you actually want? Do you want to be with Klaus, I won't judge you if you do... lord knows I've been attracted to some questionable men but if you want Tyler holding on to something from another guy... a guy that killed him because you like the attention isn't gonna be great for your relationship," she points out.

"I know, I know, I'll talk to him and apologize, you're right," she says.

"So... um I guess now's as good a time as any to tell you Damon and I are together," Elena says before holding her breath and waiting for Caroline's reaction.

Caroline just freezes for a second and then turns to look at her.

"What do you mean together? Like together-together or I'm still mad at Stefan and decided to sleep with his brother to punish him together?"

"Together-together," Elena answers a little insulted with the other suggestion.

"I'm not trying to punish Stefan but I can't help how I feel I... I like him, Caroline," she tells her.

"Damon Salvatore? The guy who used me as his sex doll, blood bag, and spy all in one not caring for a second about my feelings?" Caroline asks reminding Elena of who Damon was when he first came to town.

"His humanity was off, Caroline. I know he was a dick to you, hell to all of us then I mean he killed Jeremy unaware he had his ring on but he's been different this year, I mean even you can see that right?" She asks.

"And what's to stop him from going back to how he was? I mean he's clearly gotten what he's wanted right?" Caroline asks insinuating Damon might just be pretending to be good in order to sleep with her.

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