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"Ugh, how long is this gonna take?"

Clay looked at Viva as though she had grown a second head. "How long?" he asked. "Rhonda's parked just outside the clearing. We're literally two seconds away from reaching it!"

"Yeah!" John Dory piped up. "Hold your horses there, girlie, we'll get to camping soon enough!"

"No, not that," Viva clarified. "I mean, how long until the baby?!" she said, tossing the pleading eyes at her younger sister, and glancing longingly up into her bright pink hair, where she and Branch's unborn egg was still safely incubated.

Poppy giggled. "Viva, it's not long now! It's any day!"

"I know," she moaned, "but, heck, how do you know when it's gonna happen?"

"We don't," Branch explained. "But Dr. Moonbloom said when it's time, we'll know. Especially once Poppy says - "

"The baby is coming!!"


"No, Branch!" Poppy cried, grabbing onto his arm. "The baby IS coming! It's coming, like, NOW!"

The blue troll froze. "Now? Like now, NOW?!"

Poppy responded only with situating herself at the nearest mushroom that could support her weight and bracing.

It was at this point that everybody else began to react.

Viva was absolutely bursting at the seams. "OmigoshomigoshomiGOSH!!!" she gushed, over and over, bouncing around in an uncontrolled ball of energy.

Floyd offered reassurance. "Everything will be alright, Poppy, just remember to breathe."

"Floyd's right! Just stay calm and breathe, Poppy, BREATHE!" Branch said, although he himself was not as calm in his tone of voice, and sounded more like he was ready to have a heart attack. Smacking a leaf mask onto his face he approached Poppy with frantically waving arms. "Just remember your training!"

"Training?" John Dory blurted out next to him. "What training? We don't have any training!"

"NOT YOU, man!" Clay cried. "He's talking about Poppy!"

But the Pop Queen brushed them all off. "Guys, we don't need any training. All I literally have to do is just put out my arms" - she put them out - "and get ready to hug!" she demonstrated, beaming.

"Luck favors the prepared!" Branch countered.

"I think you mean the crazy-prepared," Bruce amended, "but, I have to agree with Branch on this one. It's better to take at least some precautions." With that, the experienced father began to shout out orders. "All right, you get some towels," he said, motioning to Clay, "and you get some hot water," he said, motioning to Floyd. "And - "

"What can I do?" John Dory asked, grinning hopefully.

Bruce's eyes widened, having not exactly thought of a task for their oldest brother - aside from standing out of the way. "Err..."

"Come on, I've got tons of supplies that could be helpful! Look!" He reached into his green hair and pulled out a frying pan. "Ah, see? This will work, right?"

"Yes," Bruce said sarcastically. "And I know just how..." He snatched it from his hands, and whacked JD upside the head!

"OUCH!" the Troll whined. "What was that for?"

"Does it look like we're frying chicken?! Or scrambling eggs?"

Bruce whirled around at the sound of his frantic younger brother's voice. His younger brother, whose eye was twitching, and was just about on the edge of a nervous breakdown!

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