Chapter Forty-Nine

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I felt incredibly...awkward. Here I was, still very much naked and covered by nothing more than a blanket as Alaban left the room to talk to his sister, leaving Narvi to stare at me with an unreadable expression on his pale face. He didn't say anything, just...stared, and I couldn't help the way my cheeks burned as I cleared my throat and pulled the blanket up slightly higher on myself.

"'ve been outside this whole time? I thought you were asleep." I spoke, causing Narvi to blink and tilt his head.

"Oh, I woke up and saw the white stuff on the ground. I thought it was very pretty." Narvi scooted closer to me; pale gaze unwavering. "What is it? The stuff on the ground, I mean? I've never seen it before."

I blinked and—while still holding onto the blanket—walked over to the small window, moving the sheet there to peer outside. And sure enough, the ground was covered in snow. Which was unusual, and something that I don't think—at least in my time—has ever happened here before.

It made it look almost other worldly, in a way. A sea of ivory amongst the land—leaves frozen in place up in the trees. And it seemed like it was more than just Narvi who took this opportunity to explore, as a few sun dragons were out there making snowmen, and throwing snow at one another—smiles bright and wide on their faces. It was...peaceful.

I felt my own lips twitch in a smile, though, I jumped when I turned around and saw that Narvi had moved directly in front of me—so quiet I hadn't even heard him approach. "So, what is it called?"

I took in a breath, recovering from my slight scare as I cleared my throat. "It's called snow, though I've never seen it snow here before—so this is odd."

Narvi peered out of the window. "I think it's pretty."

I nodded in agreement, nibbling at my bottom lip. "I think it is too. How long were you out there?" I glanced at him, causing him to look away from the window towards me.

He shrugged and scooped down, grabbing something before he held it out towards me—my cheeks burning bright red when I realized he was handing me my trousers. "I have no idea how to track time, so...I don't know. But would you like to come out there with me and make things? I see some are outside making weird people things out of this stuff, it could be fun."

Cheeks burning, I grabbed my trousers and quickly yanked them on—using the blanket to wipe stuff off me—before running my fingers through my hair as I went to search for a shirt. "Ah...sure, yeah, that sounds fun. Gods, I think the last time I even saw snow was...I don't know, seven or eight years ago when I went to Fendenburg for some diplomatic thing with my father."

Narvi sauntered up next to me, pale brows raised with curiosity. "Fen...Fenburg?"

I snorted and shook my head. "Fendenburg. It's where the dwarvish community thrives. Mostly underground, but, it was frigid when I had gone up there, and I'm pretty sure it began snowing a few hours before we left." I shrugged and pulled on my shirt—once I was able to find it—turning to the moon dragon. "Though, Alaban was right, you should probably warm up for a few. Frostbite is dangerous, and I wouldn't want you to get it."

Narvi stared at me for a moment longer, before he pursed his lips and nodded. "Okay. I can spend some time to warm up."

I smiled. "Thank you. Besides, I want Alaban to enjoy this with us, since I've no doubt this is also the first time he's seen snow. At least...I think. I could be wrong, though." I chuckled awkwardly and gestured for Narvi to follow me out of the room.

He did so with no argument, and I saw that Alaban and Aerylin were nowhere in sight—at least, not in the main room of our little abode. I shrugged it off to them merely needing some privacy, and made my way to the pot that hung over the fireplace, and began heating up some water for something to warm Narvi and I up.

Speaking of the moon dragon, I watched from the corners of my eyes as he made his way to the blankets in front of the fire and sat down, wrapping himself with one of the spares. Seeing that he was warming up as I had asked him, I felt a small smile on my lips and continued what I was doing. I decided to make Alaban a cup as well, since—if he was outside—he would no doubt enjoy something warm to drink.

Though...should I make Aerylin a cup as well? You know what, maybe I should, just in case she was here for longer than her chat with Alaban.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, Alaban came back into the house—with no sister in sight. He shivered and blew hot air into his hands before making his way over to Narvi and I—the man pressing a quick kiss to my cheek.

"My gods it is cold out there. I was worried my anatomy was going to freeze off for a moment there." He chuckled and shook his head, gracefully taking the cup of steaming water from my hands before dropping a tea bag within it. "I wonder what's got it so cold out there."

I nodded my head and handed Narvi his drink. "I'm also wondering. I mean, I don't think it's...ever snowed here in all my life, and I've no doubt I would have heard stories as a kid if my parents had been snowed in." I then pursed my lips. "Actually...could magic have done this? Like...a side effect, or something? I-I don't know how all that stuff works..."

Alaban nuzzled his face between my neck and shoulder, his amber eyes peeking up at me. "I...don't think magic could change the weather like this, but my knowledge on magic is...mostly simplistic. I've only ever seen smaller things accomplished, so it might be possible, but I would have no idea."

I exhaled and shrugged—my skin tingling as Alaban pressed a soft kiss against the skin of my neck. "Well, I guess we should just enjoy it while it's here. You know, before it all melts tomorrow."

Alaban pulled away from me then and made his way over to Narvi—the sun dragon gently lifting up the moon dragon's face. "You warmed up yet?"

Narvi immediately jumped back to his feet, causing Alaban and I to chuckle as he enthusiastically nodded his head, the blanket falling from his shoulders to pool at his feet. "I've been warm." Those light blue eyes flickered over to me—so full of excitement. "Can we make snow people now?"

I looked over him, taking note of his simplistic tunic and thin trousers. "Do we have anything that might be...warmer? Clothes, I mean?" I looked down at my own outfit, and now that I was paying attention to it, the air around me seemed to grow cold enough for me to shiver. "What am I talking about, I doubt we have winter clothes in a climate that's usually warm. Ah...maybe we should just...layer up."

Alaban snorted and pecked my cheek. "I was assuming that's what we were going to do in the first place."

I gave him a look, which had him erupting in giggles—yes he was a grown man, and yes he was giggling as if he were a teen girl. They were so addicting to listen to, and within a few seconds I found myself laughing along with him as I gave him a playful smack against his arm.

"You're a brat, Alaban."

The man in question wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his body close, his chin on my shoulder. Narvi snorted, his pale gaze fluttering over to me as he raised one pale brow. "See? Mating dance." He then stuck out his tongue in response to the inquisitive look Alaban sent his way, and began making his way over to the main door.

"What about double layering?" I wondered aloud. I mean surely Narvi couldn't be warm, right? After being in the snow for however long he was, his clothes surely still had to be soaked, and it was no doubt still below freezing outside. How the heck could he still be so comfortable?

Narvi paused, his pale hand on the door handle, and turned to look over his shoulder. "I'll be ok. I have the two of you to warm me if I get cold." He then left, leaving Alaban and I alone to stand in bewilderment.

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