Part 3- My first date

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Wow, if you had told me a week ago that I'd be sitting next to the cutest boy at camp while holding his hand and looking out over at the lake, I wouldn't have believed you. But it's really happening. I may or may not have pinched myself a few times on the way here just to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and I definitely wasn't.

I did feel kind of bad for ditching Percy on Halo night, but I'm sure he understands why I did it, I mean if anyone knows just as much about my crush on Luke as I do, it's Percy. I'll just have to make it up to him another time, but right now, I'm on a date - my first date, to precise - with Luke freaking Castellan, and I was gonna enjoy it.

"The lake is really beautiful at sunset,"
I say with a smile as I turn my head to face Luke, but he is already looking at me. Had he been staring this entire time? I felt my cheeks flush slightly at the thought, and I turned back to look at the water. Water...whenever I saw large bodies of it, it always reminded me of Percy. Especially that time when we took a day off from training and went and skidded rocks. Then Percy fell in the water and got totally drenched, but before I could finish laughing at him, he pulled me down with him, and let's just say, we both walked back into camp with severally soaked clothes.

I smiled at the memory of me and Percy that day, forgetting that Luke was right next to me. And I was snapped out of my daze when he spoke.
"Yeah, it really is. It's one of my favourite places to come when I need to relax. It's just so peaceful."
"I can see why. It's far enough away from the cabins that you can't really hear the Ares kids fighting anymore or the metal clanging of the Hephestus kids' bunkers."
Luke chuckles at my comment.
"Yeah, I suppose that's true. Hey, so, what the deal with you and Percy?"
I look at him with a slightly confused face.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it's just, I see you guys hanging out together a lot, so I guess I was just wondering what was going on between the two of you."

I have to admit, I was kind of shocked by Luke's question. I mean, I was sitting here with him, holding his hand, and it sounded like he was implying that there was something going on between me and Percy, like, romantically.
"Well, i mean, me and Percy are friends, one might even say best friends, but that's all we are. And I don't think it'd ever be anything more than that. Plus, I'm not on a lakeside date with him right now."

Luke looked down at the ground and smiled to himself.
"Yeah, you're right, I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure you weren't romantically involved with someone else."
My eyes widened slightly.
"How come?"
He looked back up at me and gave me an expression that kinda looked like the one i gave Percy when he asked me a dumb question, like, who Adam Sandler was. Gods, that was a tiring day. I made Percy watch so many Adam Sandler movies. He probably would physically retract if someone suggested we watch one.

"Because I really like you?"
Luke's words once again pulled me out from my own thoughts. I really gotta stop doing that. But, no matter how hard I try, my mind keeps going back to Percy. It's probably just because I feel guilty for bailing on him, but man, was he really distracting me even without being here.
Then Luke's words finally clicked in my brain. He likes me. Luke likes me. I slowly moved my arm to the other side of me and pinched myself, yet again. Ow. Okay, definitely not a dream.

I guess I had been so lost in my thoughts that I forgot to speak because Luke spoke again.
"Please say something, I'm gonna feel like such an idiot if you just keep staring at me like I'm an alien."
I try to form words, but I have no idea what to say. I've wanted this for so long, but now that I've got it, I don't know what to do with it. I should definitely say something, but what?
"I-i uhm...I you too"
I felt myself blush as the words came out of my mouth.

Luke smiled as his fingers intertwined with mine. I guess he was enjoying the moment just as much as I was. But something in my stomach felt weird. And I don't mean like, the pizza I had for dinner suddenly isn't agreeing with me. It felt more like guilt and regret. I don't know why, though. I had the guy of my dreams right in front of me, telling me he likes me, but for some reason, my mind kept going back to Percy. I'm starting to think it's because of something more than just feeling bad.

I pushed down the feeling and tried to focus on Luke. The hand that wasn't holding mine slowly made its way to my face and cupped my cheek. I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen. The question was, do I want it to happen. That's a stupid question. Of course I want it to happen... right?

Before I could think anymore about it, Luke gently pulled my face closer to his, and my heartbeat rose significantly. He looked down at my lips and back up at my eyes, then down to my lips again as he continued to pull me closer.

She chose me || Percy Jackson x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant