Part 15- Confession

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"Percy...the things that said...those things...we're true."
I blurted out the words before i could stop myself. I couldn't keep it from him any longer, I needed to get it off my chest before it devoured me from the inside. I knew i couldn't keep trying to run away from the obvious feelings that I had for him, and there's no time like the present.

Percy stared at me like a deer in headlights. His eyes were wide with confusion, and his mouth was agape to the point where I could see the back of his throat. Oh gods, what have I done...
Percy finally snapped out of his confused state and spoke with a crack in his voice.

"Wait, what- you- i-"

He barely was able to get two words out before his entire face turned crimson red. I had a feeling he'd react this way. Gods, what am i supposed to say know?? I just told my best friend I love him, well, not in so many words, but you get my point. I should've given him more warning, I think I broke his brain.

"So, what you said that night...about you...lov-"

"Yes, Percy. I meant it. I didn't realise at the time, but I meant it. And I didn't wanna tell you cuz I was afraid that if you knew, it would ruin what we have now."


"You're my best friend, and I don't want to mess that up, but I can't just run away from my feelings. I tried to, and that's why I've been in here for so long, but you still came and found me anyway."


"And that's the thing... you've always been there for me, even I didn't want you to be, I mean, how could I not fall for someone who understands me and likes me for who I am? I think....I think the only reason I really liked Luke is because deep down, I was trying so hard to escape feelings that I thought would never be reciprocated. I just didn't want to risk telling you how I felt because I didn't want to get hurt. But after everything that's happened, you weren't even the one who hurt me..."


"Look, I already know what you're gonna say, so please just don't bother trying to explain to me why you don't feel the same way. I'm sorry if this changes things between us, but I just can't hide it from you any longer. Even when I was with Luke, I'd find myself thinking about you, and at first, I didn't understand why, but now I do. And I know you don't feel the same way, and I know I'm such an idiot for ever thinking that maybe you would feel the same way. It's just been weighing on me for so long, and I needed to get it off my chest. And I am prepared for you to get mad at me for hiding it from you and ruining the amazing friendship we have now and-"


Percy stepped towards me and narrowed the distance between us significantly in 2 seconds. He cut me off by grabbing my face in his hands and pulling me close. His hands were gentle and careful, as if he knew exactly what he was doing, even though we both knew he didn't.

I feel my breath catch in my throat as he looks directly into my eyes with his piercing blue ones. His face was still tinted pink, but he had a more serious expression.
He smiled softly and lowered his head to the point where our lips were almost touching.

"You talk too much."

Before I could react, he closed the gap between us and connected his lips to mine. The faint taste of pancakes lingering on his lips felt like heaven on earth. The kiss was soft and gentle, like something right out of a romance novel.
He pulled my face even closer to his with one hand while the other rested on my lower back.

My arms found their way to wrap around his neck while I kissed him back. My eyes fluttered closed as I let myself be completely drowned in the feeling of his lips against mine. It was like a dream come true. If you had told me this was all just some daydream I was having, and i was still in the shower, I would've believed you. Because this moment was unlike anything I could've imagined. And yeah, maybe I'd thought about what it'd be like to kiss Percy once or twice, but those thoughts didn't even compare to what it actually feels like.

My brain went completely blank as the kiss went on, and I couldn't think of anything else but how soft his lips were and how sweet he tasted. I mean, 20 minutes ago, I was staring at the shower wall feeling sorry for myself because i could face Percy, and now I was kissing him. Wow can alot happen in a short amount of time.

The kiss lasted for a good 20 seconds before he pulled away, still holding onto me. The taste of him was still faintly on my lips. I opened my eyes to see his face was plastered with a cocky smirk, and his eyes were staring directly into mine once again. Holy Zeus, if looks could kill...

He looked down at my lips and back up at my eyes again as he smirked. And he spoke in a low, quiet voice that made butterflies set up an entire civilization in my stomach when I heard it right next to my ear.

"You were saying?"



Holy crap you guys, I did not think I'd get this many readers. Thank you guys so much, and I'm really happy you like the story so far.

The next chapter will be the last one in this fanfic unfortunately, but if you would like me to write another one, I may do a one shots book, so feel free to send me a message if you have a request for a certain character!

I won't do lemons, but apart from that, all requests are fine.

Just send me the character, the name you want me to use for you, and a rough storyline for me to use/ scenario😊

Okay that's all I wanted to say, byeeee!!

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