Part 12- maybe it wasn't just a dream...

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Something didn't feel right.
And I know if your boyfriend dragged your best friend who you also kissed into the woods, you might be a little nervous too. But, this felt different. I couldn't describe the feeling if I tried, but something was telling me Luke wasn't just taking Percy away to show him something.

Ever since I had that creepy dream about Luke, I had kind of been avoiding him the past week, but eventually it was getting too difficult to keep my distance, and I just shoved the dream aside and acted like everything was normal. He always managed to know where I was, so it's not like I could've kept avoiding him if I wanted to.

I thought I'd finally gotten over those heeby jeebies, bit seeing Luke wanting to be alone with Percy, brought those feelings all the way back up to the surface again. And I didn't like it one bit.

Okay, look. I know spying isn't a good thing. But I have to know if Luke has some other plan. Like, what if he found out Percy and I kissed, and he's planning to murder Percy in the woods. I can't let that happen. Okay, maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions quite so quickly, I mean, it could be a totally harmless interaction, and maybe I'm just overthinking it. But that's why I have to eavesdrop. So I know for sure.

I quietly followed Luke and Percy from several metres away, ducking behind trees whenever they turned their heads. I felt so cliché sneaking on my tippy toes, like some silly cartoon character. But, I gotta admit, it does actually work.

Once they both stopped in a bit of a clearing, I stood behind a tree and tried my best to tune out the rest of the faint noise coming from camp so I could try to hear what Luke and Percy were talking about.

As they spoke about the prophecy Percy was given before his quest and figured out everything line by line, something in my brain clicked, and I felt my stomach drop.

'You will be betrayed by one who calls you friend'

No no no no no no no....
I covered my mouth with one hand so they couldn't hear me.
I felt like everything around me went completely silent, and my ear started to ring. I felt like I was gonna pass out.
This....this can't be. No, I must have it wrong. This can't be true....
Then i heard Percy speak again.

"...because you knew Clarisse didn't steal the did."



"None of this was meant to betray you. The gods are my enemy."


"But you, I'm here to recruit."

My head started to spin. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wanted so badly to just wake up in my bed and have this all just be some dumb nightmare again, but I stayed exactly where I was. This was real life. But now I'm not even sure what the reality of it even is...

I shifted slightly, and a small leaf crunched softly underneath my foot. I clasped both my hands over my mouth. Crap crap crap. Did they hear me?? Gods, please, no.

And it turns out they didn't. They didn't seem to notice my presence at all. I needed to get back to camp, but how?? If I moved even an inch, they'd see me. But I needed to tell Chiron about Luke... even though I'm not sure if I believe it myself. How could he do this. To camp, to me, to us...

Get it together, Y/n. You can not let your emotions get the best of you right now.
I take a deep breath and try to calm down to the best of my abilities.

But then I heard Percy say something that stopped my train of thought entirely, and it made me wonder what he was doing.

[Sorry this is kind of short, I just think the story will flow better if I change povs at this point]

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