Part 10- I kinda miss him

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That night, I had a dream - no, not a dream. A nightmare. I was in a pitch-black room, and I could hear faint voices all around me. But they weren't talking to me, they were talking to each other. A single light turned on in the middle of the room, and a tall figure emerged from the dark. At first, I didn't recognise who it was, but as soon as my eyes adjusted, I saw the familiar dark curls and immediately knew who it was.

He spoke in a low, almost un-human like voice. only two words, but they were enough to send shivers down my spine.
"Join me."

My body shot up in my bed, and I inhaled sharply. The feeling of fear radiated throughout my body, and I was covered in a cold sweat. What the hell was that. I glanced around my cabin, and I was the only one there. I looked over the clock hanging on the wall, and it read 8:48. I sighed. I got up out of my bed and headed to the bathroom to shower off the sweat.

As I felt the water hit my skin, I thought about the nightmare. I mean, it was just a dream, right? It couldn't mean anything... still...
I suppose I should at least tell one person about it. But who? I know I should probably tell Chiron, but I'm not sure how he'd react. And Mr. D would definitely not care. I guess I could tell one of my siblings, but I wouldn't want to burden them with something like that.
And I definitely could not tell Luke. Not when...well...
I guess that only leaves one person I trust that I can really tell.

I finished up my shower and dried my hair, and picked an outfit before making my way over to the Poseidon cabin to find Percy. I still felt like such a jerk for leaving him at the dock yesterday, but I was just so overwhelmed. It's okay, you can explain it all when you see him. It'll be okay.

I reached his cabin and knocked, but there was no answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I peaked inside through one of the windows, but I couldn't see him inside anywhere. Maybe he already went to breakfast. I walked over to the dining pavilion and scanned my eyes over it multiple times, still looking for him. But I couldn't see him. Where else could he be? I asked a couple of passing campers, but they just shrugged. I decided to walk over to the big house and ask Chiron if he knew.

And boy, did he know. Turns out, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover had all gone on a quest. Chiron said it was something that had to do with Zeus's stolen master bolt and that he'd probably be gone for at least a week. I mean, I guess it's good that it gives me at least a week to think about what I'd even say to Percy, but he didn't even tell me about it. I'll just have to talk to him when he gets back. And he will be coming back, alive.

The next week went by pretty normally. Apart from the fact I had been kind of avoiding my boyfriend ever since I had that nightmare. I needed to figure out if it meant anything before I tried to go back to normal with him. And then there was the whole thing with Percy kissing me. Which, by the looks of it, Luke hadn't found out about. Thank the gods. I didn't need any more on my plate right now.

I was able to get through most days of the week. I trained some of the demigods in the mornings, and i practised my own skills most of the other times. And on days when I wasn't doing anything, I helped Will out in the infirmary. Hanging out with him actually made me feel a little bit better. And I know our father is Apollo, but Will is very much literally a ray of sunshine. He always managed to make the gloomiest of days feel fun, it was a nice change of pace. And I think he knew something was up with me, because he normally would be asking me a bunch of questions about what's been happening lately, but he didn't seem to want to pry too much the past few days.

Saturday night was probably the hardest. I had nothing to do. And for once, the feeling of...loneliness infected me. I'd always had Percy around, so I'd never had to spend Saturday night alone. In my cabin. While all my siblings, including Will, were out at the camp fire. I was never big on the whole campfire thing. Like, I know my cabin is supposed to lead the sing-along, but my social battery is not THAT high. I couldn't help it, I missed Percy. And I know if i tried to hang out with Luke, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about that nightmare, so that was off the table. I'd just have to sit here and try to keep myself entertained while waiting for the night to pass.

I really hope Percy comes home soon. I'm worried about him. I mean, what if he gets hurt while on his quest? I know it's likely to happen, but that doesn't mean i want it to. I was also really worried he was mad at me. But I can't think about that right now. I've already shed too many tears over boys. I need to think positive. Positive...hmmm...
I glanced around my cabin and saw that it was in kind of a messy state. You know what? That's what I'll do. I won't move anything that looks important, but I can at least make it so there aren't as many clothes on the floor.

After about an hour, I managed to clean the cabin to the point of my back beginning to get sore, so I decided to just stop there. I opened up the bottom drawer in my nightstand, and I saw something I hadn't seen in years. When Percy and I were younger, we made each other bracelets that represented our godly parent. I made him one with blue and green beads, with a little shell charm on it, and the one he made for me was made of yellow and orange beads, with a sun hanging off of it. I picked it up and held it in my hand. I wonder if Percy still had his. I put it around my wrist, and a small smile crawled onto my lips.

Please come back soon...

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