Part 5- on rocky ground

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"A lot can happen in one night, you know."
Trust me, Percy, I know. I of all people would know. I mean, 24 hours ago I didn't have a boyfriend, and now I do.

A few weeks went by, and my relationship with Luke became stronger, and I honestly couldn't be happier that we're dating. Although, since I've been spending more time with Luke, I haven't had as much time for Percy. Don't get me wrong, we still hang out alot, and we've kept the weekly Saturday night tradition of Halo night alive, but I can't help but feel a little sad that I don't see him as much anymore. In all honesty, I kind of miss it just being the two of us. And I know that sounds ungrateful, and selfish, and I would never tell Luke I felt that way, it's just...I can't really talk to Luke about the kind of things Percy and i talk about. I could go to Percy about literally anything, but Luke seemed less inclined to hear about how much fun it would be to prank Travis and Connor for once. Luke would always just nod and agree with me to make it seem like he was listening, but I could tell he didn't really care.

Sometimes, I just miss being able to rant to someone about anything whenever I need to. That's why I love Halo night even more than before. Because I can just talk and talk and talk, and Percy just listens, like, actually listens, and he doesn't ever judge me, no matter what i say, and if I'm ranting about a problem, he's always been really good with giving me helpful advice.

The thing is, Luke wasn't as keen on Halo night as I was. He claimed he was okay with me hanging out with Percy and sleeping over when we stayed up too late. But whenever I told him I was going over there, he gave me this look that made me feel like I was doing something bad. I never really thought too long on it, I mean, if Luke had a problem, he'd tell me, right?

Today was Saturday, around 5 p.m., so I'd soon head off to the Poseidon cabin to hang with Percy. I just had to finish teaching a few of the new demigods how to hold a sword properly, and boy, was that a tiring exercise. None of them seemed to grasp the concept of not letting go of the sword when you swing it. After about half an hour, I finally finish up, and I head back to my cabin to grab a few things before going over to meet Percy in his cabin.

I walk into cabin 7 and over to my bed in the corner, and I'm met with a tired looking Luke, reading a book on my bed.
He notices me walk in, and he looks up from his book before putting it down and putting all his attention on me.
"Hey, I was waiting for you. What took you so long?"
I chuckled to myself.
"Heh, yeah, sorry you had to wait for so long. The newer demigods aren't really all that great with a sword."
Luke looked down at his hands and laughed gently to himself before looking back up at me again and talking.
"Welll, I was thinking maybe we could hang out tonight, maybe a movie and cuddles?"

I looked up from the pre-packed bag on the ground under my bed and looked at Luke. As enticing as that sounded, I really wanted to hang with Percy tonight. I mean, I promised him I wouldn't skip out on Halo night again.
"Well, I mean, that sounds really nice, babe, but it's Saturday."
Luke looked at me like he was waiting for me to explain why that was an issue, so I continued the sentence.
" Halo night, remember? I'm supposed to hang out with Percy tonight."
Luke looked at me with a hint of disappointment in his expression.
"Well, I'm sure he won't mind if you skip one week, I mean, come on, we haven't really had a night in, just the two of us."

I felt kind of guilty, Luke was right, we hadn't really been on a date for a couple of weeks, but I also felt it was kind of selfish of him to expect me to just drop my plans with Percy so i could hang out with him.
"Yeah, I know, but... I promised Percy I wouldn't skip out on Halo night again. I don't wanna break my promise to him."
Luke chuckled nervously.
"Y/n, come on, I'm your boyfriend, don't I rank higher in your list of priorities?"

That's when I felt a small amount of frustration bubble to the surface.
"Actually, I'd say you and Percy rank pretty equally. Yes, you're my boyfriend, but Percy is my best friend. He's pretty important to me, too."
Luke rolls his eyes, picks his book back up, and goes back to blankly, staring at the pages as he speaks.
"Fine then. Go hang out with your precious best friend. See if I care."

And that's the moment I knew the tears were inevitable. I've never liked it whenever people were mad at me, but to basically say that he doesn't care what I do, that broke something inside of me. I quickly grab the bag from under my bed and rush out the door before Luke can see the tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

I make my way over to Percy's cabin, and I walk up the steps before quickly wiping the tears from my eyes in an attempt to make it look like I wasn't about to collapse into a crying puddle on the floor. I walk forward and knock on the door, and I hear rustling inside for a few seconds before the door swings open to reveal a very happy looking Percy holding two controllers.

Something about seeing Percy smile somehow made me feel a little better. Like, maybe if he was happy, then perhaps not everything has gone to total shit, and I'd be okay. It made me feel warm and somewhat comforted knowing that at least one of us was having a good day.

Percy opens the door, and I walk inside. To my surprise, it looked like he actually made an effort to clean up his cabin before I got there. And by effort, I mean, if I opened his closet right now, a bunch of clothes and random shit would fall on top of me and knock me over. But the gesture was nice

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