Part 8- A little awkward

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The familiar annoying sound of my alarm wakes me from my comfortable slumber, and I groan as I reach my arm over to my nightstand and turn my alarm off. I turn my head to face the other way, over to the disappointing sight of the empty space next to me.

I guess Y/n left before I woke up. She didn't even say goodbye, though. Maybe she just wanted to let me sleep, though I wouldn't have minded if she woke me up. I sat up and took a drink of water from the glass that was sitting on my nightstand, next to the small clay turtle Y/n had made me for my birthday last year. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure turtles are only supposed to have 4 limbs, but the extra accidental one up near the head was kind of funny. It's definitely one of the favourite things I have in my cabin. And that includes Riptide.

I got out of bed and walked over to my dresser, and pulled out a shirt to put on. Oh crap, did Y/n see me sleeping without a shirt on?? I really hope not. I looked over at my alarm clock and saw it was a little past time for breakfast, so I decided to head out and see if Y/n was there. Hopefully, she was feeling better.

I leave the Poseidon cabin and walk over to the dining pavilion like I did every morning. I initially spotted Luke, sitting with the rest of his siblings from the Hermes cabin. How can he look so okay after what he did. Focus, Percy, focus. My eyes wandered over to the Apollo table, and my gaze softened as soon as I saw her. She was smiling, thank the gods. And she looked as pretty as ever, her hair was damp, and her outfit was cute, just like it was every day.

She looked up from talking to her siblings, and she saw me. But, instead of smiling and waving like she normally did, she looked away from me, basically as soon as she looked at me. And, her cheeks looked ever so slightly more pink than usual. Odd. I mean, I guess maybe she was feeling a little weird about falling asleep in my cabin last night, but it's not like she hasn't done that before. So, why was she acting weird?

I suppose I should probably talk to her at some point today. We needed to talk about last night. Just maybe not right now. I've got a pretty long day of training some of the new demigods in combat, so maybe I'll talk to her after that. Yeah, it'll be fine. We're best friends. It shouldn't be THAT awkward, right?

I pushed that thought aside and focused on other things for a little while. After I had finished making an offering to the gods with my slightly burnt pancakes and then eating the rest, I headed off to the training area. Most of the newer demigods were getting a little better at close combat, along with simple hand to hand combat, but their sword skills could use some work. That's what Y/n was doing yesterday. She's a pretty good teacher, I've watched a couple of her times while teaching these guys. Oh- come on! Geez, Percy, seriously? Why do you keep thinking about her?.

"Can't you just stop thinking about Y/n for one freaking second?!"
I sigh. And a camper from the group I was training pipes up and says something while I'm facing the other way.

"Um...who's Y/n...?"

Oh crap. Did I say that out loud...? It's fine. It's not like anyone else will find out about this. You'll be fine.
I turn and face the camper, trying to have the calmest face possible.
"No one, I uh, was just talking to myself out loud. Don't worry about it."
The camper shrugs and goes back to what he was doing. Phew. That could've gone way worse. I just hope Y/n never ever finds out I said that.

After I finally finish up training with the campers and take a bit of a rest, i remember about my plans to talk to Y/n. I quickly stopped by my cabin to have a quick shower and change clothes before making my way over to the Apollo cabin. She wasn't there, though. Weird. Maybe she was hanging out in the strawberry fields with the saytrs, she liked to do that sometimes. Nope, not there, either. But, as I walked past the infirmary, I peaked inside, and there she was. She was tending to one of the younger campers. I guess her and her brother Will were pretty similar in that way. They both liked taking care of other people.

I leaned on the doorframe as I watched her. She's so kind. It almost makes her seem too good for this world. Who am I kidding? She's definitely too good for this world. She finished up with the kid by giving him a square of ambrosia and sending him on his way, and that's when she finally noticed me. I smiled softly and waved, and this time, she did the same. Kind of. Her smile seemed a little forced, like she was still feeling awkward.

But that's why I wanted to talk to her, so I might as well find out why she's acting this way. I tilted my head, gesturing for her to follow me for a walk. She picked up on the insinuation, and she looked over at Will, as if asking if it was okay if she left, and he simply smiled and nodded. She looked back at me before walking over to where I was standing.
I was about to say something, but she beat me to it.

"Hey, can we talk?"

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