Part 6- She's in tears

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Percy POV

Something was wrong. I could see it in her eyes. That sparkle that was always there, it was gone. She had been crying, that I know for sure. She had a smile on her face, but I could tell she wasn't okay. I wasn't going to try and get her to talk about it, though. If she wants to tell me, she will. I know it.

I invited her into my cabin, which I cleaned prior to her arrival. I just really hope she doesn't open my closet.

I'm glad we still get to hang out regularly, even when she has a boyfriend now. Y/n walks in and places her bag down. She always brings the best snacks.

We sat down and started playing Halo for a bit, but Y/n didn't really seem to be focusing the same way she normally does. And not once has she stood up shouting how much of a loser I am when she won. Something was definitely wrong. So, I decided to ask her about it.

I turned to face her and placed my controller down on my bed next to me.
"Hey, uh, are you okay? You seem a little off tonight."
She fidgets with her controller before looking at me.
"I...I guess, not really...?"
And there it was, any other person wouldn't have been able to notice it, but I did. There were tears in her eyes.
"What's wrong?"
"I-its just uhm, stuff with Luke..."
Her voice was beginning to break, and I knew we would be in for a long night.

My mind races with what Luke could've done to make her upset.
"What happened between you two?"
She sniffled, but none of her tears escaped her eyes yet.
"He uhm...he just, got kind of annoyed...when I told him i couldn't hang out with him tonight, cuz I was hanging out with you...and he..."

I looked at her, waiting for her to finish her sentence, and that's when I saw the first tear fall.
"I know it sounds dumb, but he told me that...that he didn't care what I did, and I don't know why, but it just hurt so much..."
She covered her eyes with her sleeves and sniffled as i pulled her into a hug. I know it probably wasn't appropriate because she has a boyfriend, but that said boyfriend is the reason she's crying, so I don't care.

She cried into my shirt for a while, not saying anything, so I didn't either. I think what she needed wasn't someone to tell her what to do about the situation, but someone to just be there for her. And I'm okay with just being that person, even if it doesn't lead anywhere else. I rubbed small circles on her upper back with my hand as she continued to use my shirt as a tissue. It was a little gross, but I didn't mind. I'd never judge her, and i know she knows that.

After a little while, I realised she stopped crying and sniffling, but instead, she had her head rested against my chest, and she had fallen asleep. You know, for a girl who just spent the past hour balling her eyes out, she looked really pretty. But then again, she always looked pretty.
Okay, look, I know she's with Luke, and apart from what just happened, she seemed pretty happy with him, so it's not like I would do anything to try and break them up, but that doesn't mean i can't still appreciate her beauty. Because trust me, she had a lot of it.

I shuffled back a bit on my bed, careful not to wake her up, and I leaned up against my pillows, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. Although, she seemed pretty comfy just lying on me. That thought made butterflies flutter in my stomach. She was comfortable while asleep on me. I mean, if that's not an ego boost, I don't know what is.

I turn the TV off and place my hand in her hair, gently running my fingers through it. After a few minutes, I heard a small mumble from her.
For a second, i thought she had woken up and wanted me to stop touching her, but when I looked down at her, her eyes were still shut and her breathing was just as soft as before. She was still asleep. And she was dreaming about me. And, by the looks of it, she was enjoying it because a small smile formed across her lips.

That sweet, innocent look made my cheeks flush. How could she be so adorable? Luke didn't deserve her. She's kind, caring, smart, beautiful, and she's everything good in this world. And Luke is going to crush that. He's going to put out that amazing light of hers that I love so much. I know I shouldn't meddle in her relationship, but I also know that if I don't, she's gonna get hurt. And i won't let that happen.

I mean, look at what happened tonight. He got mad over something as insignificant as not hanging out one time, when they hang out literally every day. And he made her cry. How could someone like that deserve to be her first kiss.

It should've been me...

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